08-12-2023, 03:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-12-2023, 04:56 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
(08-12-2023, 10:03 AM)Shannon Wrote: I'd be interested in hearing more about your experiences with grounding shield, and why you are impressed by it.
OK thanks Shannon, well..... for example, Last night I was watching this intense gangster movie,. I'm doing my bes to move away from as much negativity as possible, none the less, I disgress , and as I watched it late night ,with headphone's, I felt my self being 'rapped' in this cocoon kind of energy around my whole body, even though I was laying back on my bed,with Laptop n' Movie, Felt and sensed this grounding shield energy surround my entire body, like an oval shaped energy of protectiveness.
1) I dont have to shut it off,the movie,that is, nor skip through much of it at all. I'd rather not 'feed' my mind such things and I think it better to not do so but hey we live n the Planet and Life's for the Living.
I didnt feel I was dragging the negative parts around with me afterwards. I was protected ,its like the grounding shield, deleted,blocked, and/or altogether removed that stuff.
I'd also like to point out here,that MM over all including the grounding shield is having a definitely grounding effect, and I mean over all not only with the G Shield but the fear remover,the things here centered around being Money Magnet, and making money( atrracting opportunities to do so,if chosen, for example!) ,attracting money, and al the many ways abudance and prosperity can come to you...
THAT in itself grounds me, I AM just slowly and subtly feeling 'safer and more grounded" and again its sooo natural. That is a BIG, damn, deal to Me, a deeply valuable thing, thats putting in the Mild Salsa Category.
I Like HOT Salsa, Korean Gotchu Sausa and Siracha, but thats another story. time to eat. Ha. Suppers waiting. Hope this helps
Oh one more thing , Mr. Columbo....gradually the grounding shield is taking over blocking negative energies and bullshit from various, assorted ,family members, of which thankfully I do not have to e around a whole lot anyway,but even then the stuff seems to get 'flattened'
I AM looking forward to when the GS flat out nails it full on and they dont even bother with the BS anymore. In time,in time, thats the way its looking
Thank you fer making the G.Shield & MM , Ha! Shannon, I Love it but I also miss the hell out of the Got Chu HOT Sause The Direct Reflection Shield too. NO complaints ,just miss it sometimes.
PSS: I Mean to mention this right off Shannon and forgot, you'll find this interesting, for your research and feedback... from the moment I turned MM on, to run it my Sob'c was screaming ITS TOO LOUD ITS TOO LOUF,ITS TOO LOUD.... I've never had this happen before with any sub,I triple checked the volume, I check it before with some auido music or video... no problem,followed the instruction to the letter, 10 clicks on an Andriod, lowered it a but, for a quick 30 seconds to see, in short I checked it, 6 ways to Sunday and the volume was not too loud at all, nor uncomfortable, this has happened each time I began to run MM, this last time how ever, it did it for just a little while then,nothing. This to Me its like crying wolf ,wolf,wolf.... I Love my subconscious mind and send it good vibes, when I can and rembmer to, so to speak.... but I knew that MM was way laying, the first levels of resistance.... more remains and will be addressed. Purdy interesting ,ah? I feel different Man, and tha tin a better way. Ususual but good, darn Good and Calmer !!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"