08-03-2023, 06:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2023, 08:19 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
Hours later on 8/3/23
Something I havent mention until now about the influences of MM via TID is that My Masculinity is being re-enhanced ,fortified, something to this kind of thing. I AM already,a Masculine Dude... I'm not over the top about it and certainly I AM NOT effeminate. I Know this is a refortification, this "rebuild", even has to do with and is directly connected to and with Money Magnet in whatever way it serves the Being using it ( Me) and the goals ahead, and in achieving those goals.
For one things I wasnt going to mention it, coz it can open up a field of fire around this topic, I AM not here to piss anyone off, nor put them off, I AM WHO I AM in this lifetime, so I decided fuck it ,I'm going for it.. I'll share it its like a form of TAKING BACK YOUR POWER...full on, ALL of it ,I dare say!
I've seen the direct effect of strong, sublte pull towards, MY full on Masculine expression. Its a good and great thing to Me. Over all ,how its connected to and with MM I dont know and I really dont a have real strong need to know, but what I do know is that it is being addressed for whatever reason and its has to do with reaching the goals there of. of Money Magnet/
SO Be it !! I'M well in process with this flow of Masculine Energies,any way... IM thankful.
I told ja before that though MM is set for Us to be Money Magnets,cool, but there is sooo much more than just that and all of it so far is groovy as 1969 ,Baby !! Ha!!
Its like MM is bringing together all the neccasary ingredients together to make this thing happen and not just some ,not just once but rather its on going
, like breathing thru out the day and night... I honestly, believe people will be making money in their sleep.... other do it so why not! That is indeed , not out of the realm of possibilities... how that will be...well...lets groove on it & find out.... in the meantime....
stay groovy, stay free ...
Something I havent mention until now about the influences of MM via TID is that My Masculinity is being re-enhanced ,fortified, something to this kind of thing. I AM already,a Masculine Dude... I'm not over the top about it and certainly I AM NOT effeminate. I Know this is a refortification, this "rebuild", even has to do with and is directly connected to and with Money Magnet in whatever way it serves the Being using it ( Me) and the goals ahead, and in achieving those goals.
For one things I wasnt going to mention it, coz it can open up a field of fire around this topic, I AM not here to piss anyone off, nor put them off, I AM WHO I AM in this lifetime, so I decided fuck it ,I'm going for it.. I'll share it its like a form of TAKING BACK YOUR POWER...full on, ALL of it ,I dare say!
I've seen the direct effect of strong, sublte pull towards, MY full on Masculine expression. Its a good and great thing to Me. Over all ,how its connected to and with MM I dont know and I really dont a have real strong need to know, but what I do know is that it is being addressed for whatever reason and its has to do with reaching the goals there of. of Money Magnet/
SO Be it !! I'M well in process with this flow of Masculine Energies,any way... IM thankful.
I told ja before that though MM is set for Us to be Money Magnets,cool, but there is sooo much more than just that and all of it so far is groovy as 1969 ,Baby !! Ha!!
Its like MM is bringing together all the neccasary ingredients together to make this thing happen and not just some ,not just once but rather its on going
, like breathing thru out the day and night... I honestly, believe people will be making money in their sleep.... other do it so why not! That is indeed , not out of the realm of possibilities... how that will be...well...lets groove on it & find out.... in the meantime....
stay groovy, stay free ...
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"