07-25-2023, 10:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-25-2023, 06:01 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
Yesterday's argument with my Favorite Aunt ( we resolved most of it ) REALLY shook up a LOT of survival fears and related 'death' stuff, Like "if I tell the truth Ill die/get killed, from it/for doing so"- I didnt say the fears had to be rational most are not. None the less, I was literally shaking in my body ( shaking in my boots), and that had calmed down 'outwardly' there after, yesterday late morning , and that for the rest of the afternoon, some 24 hours ago.
Yet this morning when I woke up my back was hurting like the dicken's, on the lower left side, lon the inside of the lower left rib. Like its Kinked up.
I KNEW in my deeper mind and heart that that argument that "CAME OUTTA NO WHERE" yesterday had something to do with moving forward with Money Magnet. I Knew it. resistance and shaking up the fears,on purpure, to loosing them up to remove them, quell them, and/or transform them into the positive.
MY back is still hurting in that region and Im going to apply my tired and true intrasound powder, and maybe some icy hot, if needed but I know ,know that this is emotionally related. there is no question. I hate arguing and loosing my peace, none the less... its plenty OK, because I know that this incident is for a HIGHER PURPOSE and therefore its easy to bare.... plus I just got an additional 300$ in my bank account this mornng and Im not quite shure where it came from, it was unexpected. I AM NOT lying ,nor making any of this up... yes this is really happening, but its not like some explosion, guess the argument was, even that is serving a greater purpose, but I mean the unfoldment's, there of... with MM !!
Ree-mark-able !
8 1/2 Hours Later : On 7/25/23
Something I'd thought to consider, before posting for several days now but was not shure I'd even post it at all.. and experience on MM... OK so here goes...leap of faith... for roughly the past 15 day, " time jumping"
its happened 3 times, if not more,but definitely 3 times.... I'll see the time on the clock 10 minutes before,it happens and then the clock lands on that time amount10 minutes later.... or being IN a day or two ahead, then coming back, this only last for a 'little while" but it happens... I Know this sounds 'out there' and a bit odd, but none the less, its been happening.
Perhaps The money time lines are lining up or Im being fine tuned to line up with "it" or 'them'.... whatever the case its not been stressful at all... its like " Oh I'm ahead of this flow, oh now Im back again" time jumping. Im telling ya these Subliminal 5.11G subs are "multi-dimensional"!
I bet some similar things have happened with CM or will, if not already.
Things are lining up already... wow. The journey definitely gets deep and certainly it continues, as such. Ha!
For the record I do NOT drink alcohol, of any sort, nor smoke,sniff, inject anything, I use only all natural herbal,along with my 'regular' diet and havent in decades.
Yet this morning when I woke up my back was hurting like the dicken's, on the lower left side, lon the inside of the lower left rib. Like its Kinked up.
I KNEW in my deeper mind and heart that that argument that "CAME OUTTA NO WHERE" yesterday had something to do with moving forward with Money Magnet. I Knew it. resistance and shaking up the fears,on purpure, to loosing them up to remove them, quell them, and/or transform them into the positive.
MY back is still hurting in that region and Im going to apply my tired and true intrasound powder, and maybe some icy hot, if needed but I know ,know that this is emotionally related. there is no question. I hate arguing and loosing my peace, none the less... its plenty OK, because I know that this incident is for a HIGHER PURPOSE and therefore its easy to bare.... plus I just got an additional 300$ in my bank account this mornng and Im not quite shure where it came from, it was unexpected. I AM NOT lying ,nor making any of this up... yes this is really happening, but its not like some explosion, guess the argument was, even that is serving a greater purpose, but I mean the unfoldment's, there of... with MM !!
Ree-mark-able !
8 1/2 Hours Later : On 7/25/23
Something I'd thought to consider, before posting for several days now but was not shure I'd even post it at all.. and experience on MM... OK so here goes...leap of faith... for roughly the past 15 day, " time jumping"
its happened 3 times, if not more,but definitely 3 times.... I'll see the time on the clock 10 minutes before,it happens and then the clock lands on that time amount10 minutes later.... or being IN a day or two ahead, then coming back, this only last for a 'little while" but it happens... I Know this sounds 'out there' and a bit odd, but none the less, its been happening.
Perhaps The money time lines are lining up or Im being fine tuned to line up with "it" or 'them'.... whatever the case its not been stressful at all... its like " Oh I'm ahead of this flow, oh now Im back again" time jumping. Im telling ya these Subliminal 5.11G subs are "multi-dimensional"!
I bet some similar things have happened with CM or will, if not already.
Things are lining up already... wow. The journey definitely gets deep and certainly it continues, as such. Ha!
For the record I do NOT drink alcohol, of any sort, nor smoke,sniff, inject anything, I use only all natural herbal,along with my 'regular' diet and havent in decades.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"