07-05-2023, 07:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-05-2023, 08:14 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
11:36 PM 7/5/23
This program is having such an effect on me and with me, it is indeed a joint effort...its like you WANT it that why, like of course its a joint effort why would it be any other way,but that:-) it seems this MM 5.11G program will cause a person ,if they so choose, to grow a new skin, and grow out of the old, into a whole new suit of being-ness. How Cosmic and how Earthy is that!!? its to be felt, knowing by experience is what I hav eto say about that.
Asa formerly active drummer,amoung other instruments,I used to play actively, speaking drum shop talk " Thats a Nice setta SKINS ya have there Drummer,Dude"
One more thing about MM 5.11G I def' wanna say here is that ,there are quite a few synchronicities going on with this puppy. More Micro than Macro, but let me tell ya they are tangibly noticeable, some more subtle than others but all are there and again definitely noticieable, thats encouraging, to me, meaningfully so, at that.
One last thing ,here,for now, I sincerely Hope that this Poweful Mofo' has a strong kick ass Fear remover in it, coz to me that'll will come in just as handy as the grounding Shield, of which I really want to'Experience", once Money Magnet is out,can hardly wait !
There are so many 'things/parts/peices to this thing that talking about one or two just isn't where its at, as a rule.
peace Love,goodwill,lotsa Moo-lah and damn good Music!!
Night Yawl. Rest well ! Keith.
This program is having such an effect on me and with me, it is indeed a joint effort...its like you WANT it that why, like of course its a joint effort why would it be any other way,but that:-) it seems this MM 5.11G program will cause a person ,if they so choose, to grow a new skin, and grow out of the old, into a whole new suit of being-ness. How Cosmic and how Earthy is that!!? its to be felt, knowing by experience is what I hav eto say about that.
Asa formerly active drummer,amoung other instruments,I used to play actively, speaking drum shop talk " Thats a Nice setta SKINS ya have there Drummer,Dude"
One more thing about MM 5.11G I def' wanna say here is that ,there are quite a few synchronicities going on with this puppy. More Micro than Macro, but let me tell ya they are tangibly noticeable, some more subtle than others but all are there and again definitely noticieable, thats encouraging, to me, meaningfully so, at that.
One last thing ,here,for now, I sincerely Hope that this Poweful Mofo' has a strong kick ass Fear remover in it, coz to me that'll will come in just as handy as the grounding Shield, of which I really want to'Experience", once Money Magnet is out,can hardly wait !
There are so many 'things/parts/peices to this thing that talking about one or two just isn't where its at, as a rule.
peace Love,goodwill,lotsa Moo-lah and damn good Music!!
Night Yawl. Rest well ! Keith.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"