07-04-2023, 02:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-04-2023, 03:26 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
5.11 is like another dimension...... like walking from room to another.... it feels that easy and natural.... like 'yeah I Know this place", I forgot....how did I forget this!!??? Another analogy I'd like to use here is, its as if you 've lived on Land your whole life but your natural state is 'in the water' and once you get in, its a whole 'nother world from the dry land expereince, and getting in the water is as natural and 'feel good' to you as was breathing air....
again the feeling I got, the 'living it', the be-ing with it, was like yeah, I belong here and always did, I forgot it though..... the remembrance returns.... that's 5.11G A whole new atmosphere.
6G will be on the other side of the Galaxy.... if 5.11G is any indication.... nither one of them is F- king around. it gets down to the grit quick!!
Darth Vadar " Impressive,MOST impressive"!! Dang Im looking forward to having this sucker in fuill !!
I've always wanted a vintage 1968 Ragtop Dark Blue Mustang stick shift.... MM has that feeling of living it and more, and its 'just with you" not fleeting.
Remember the Star Trek Next Generation Movie,where Jean Luc Picard was 'in the NEXUS" and thats all he wanted was to be 'there" in it ?
This touches on that kinda thing.
An MC introducing The Band, Ladies and Gentlemen, would you please give a warm welcome to Money Magneto and His the Band , Silver & Gold !!
I'll leave it at that and arent chew glad! Ha!
again the feeling I got, the 'living it', the be-ing with it, was like yeah, I belong here and always did, I forgot it though..... the remembrance returns.... that's 5.11G A whole new atmosphere.
6G will be on the other side of the Galaxy.... if 5.11G is any indication.... nither one of them is F- king around. it gets down to the grit quick!!
Darth Vadar " Impressive,MOST impressive"!! Dang Im looking forward to having this sucker in fuill !!
I've always wanted a vintage 1968 Ragtop Dark Blue Mustang stick shift.... MM has that feeling of living it and more, and its 'just with you" not fleeting.
Remember the Star Trek Next Generation Movie,where Jean Luc Picard was 'in the NEXUS" and thats all he wanted was to be 'there" in it ?
This touches on that kinda thing.
An MC introducing The Band, Ladies and Gentlemen, would you please give a warm welcome to Money Magneto and His the Band , Silver & Gold !!
I'll leave it at that and arent chew glad! Ha!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"