I will provide some pushback, a devil's advocate position. It might feel like a slap to the face.
You are building a world view on the basis of something 'not' happening. That because you have a few use cases of a woman withdrawing from a sexual relationship with you, this means that you can generalize that women will disqualify over a half-inch in height, and explain it as becoming so spoiled over good sex that they are unsalvageable?
First, a niche percentage of the population uses Tinder regularly, so it preselects people with certain characteristics. Then, men outnumber women 3-4 to 1, so naturally women will have more choices. They will also be more flighty.
Tinder is at its core a looks-based app, so understandable that they qualify or disqualify on that basis; the number of times I've heard women say that they actually read the guy's bio is a clue to me that they use it to screen their choices and to narrow down.
Realistically, she has no concrete obligation to you until a date's been set.
Another potential explanation for why the women you want to fuck are not fucking you; most people simply don't have a lot of sexual partners.
The CDC sets median average sexual partners for 25-44 aged men as 6, and 25-44 aged women as 4.2. Lifetime.
Sure, we can claim that these women interviewed are all liars, when in fact they're bouncing on 100 giga-Chad cocks each hot girl summer, but there's only so much understanding I can show towards these margins when the data shows a much more conservative view.
Wanted to have sex with that woman? Congratulations, get in line. If a woman were obligated to have sex with every man who was sexually interested in her, each woman that wasn't piss ugly would have a 'body count' of 100,000+. But they don't. The fact that you spent nearly three hours together and got pretty far along meant that you were a decent contender to be one of her "4" (give or take).
As liberalized as we might be, men and women alike push the "sexual shame" button against women, and they feel it. Many consider the "body count" number when they're considering a new partner. Why do you think they hesitate when you're trying to seal the deal? (I also believe that most men have sexual shames, but it can come out as seeking out sex to feel status and acceptance at the exclusion of better pursuits).
I'm speaking so harshly because this is a message that I wish I would have gotten sooner; there's too much red/black pill content being shuffled around, when their consumers aren't considering product quality (i.e., what qualities you bring to the relationships your seek), marketing (e.g., what avenues are you visible to your target audience, how do you stand out against your fellow man), and sales (e.g., are you conversing in a way that makes women excited to be around you?).
* Do you know how to flirt?
* Do you know how to build tension and apply pressure in a conversation?
* Do you have a signature cologne that gets a lot of compliments?
* Do you make direct eye contact?
* How good are your Tinder photos, really?
* What's your body fat percentage?
* Do your clothes communicate your chosen persona?
Instead of pointing at the extraneous circumstances, become deliberate in the man you want to portray to women, and your process for converting these women into your sexual lovers/girlfriends.
It might not be "fair" that we have a different set of expectations - perhaps more - than what women need to put forth, but consider that women put a LOT of thought and consideration into their appearance, their behavior, communication patterns, and digital footprint. They have us beat hands down in that respect. They also share tips on how to be better at it. Some have group chats on how to respond to guys' messages, or just blab about us to their girlfriends.
And I can understand if you're venting, but I felt compelled to write this.
Edit: Just saw your mention of going deep, not wide. Nice work
This is one step of the many that it may take to get the results you want.
You are building a world view on the basis of something 'not' happening. That because you have a few use cases of a woman withdrawing from a sexual relationship with you, this means that you can generalize that women will disqualify over a half-inch in height, and explain it as becoming so spoiled over good sex that they are unsalvageable?
First, a niche percentage of the population uses Tinder regularly, so it preselects people with certain characteristics. Then, men outnumber women 3-4 to 1, so naturally women will have more choices. They will also be more flighty.
Tinder is at its core a looks-based app, so understandable that they qualify or disqualify on that basis; the number of times I've heard women say that they actually read the guy's bio is a clue to me that they use it to screen their choices and to narrow down.
Realistically, she has no concrete obligation to you until a date's been set.
Another potential explanation for why the women you want to fuck are not fucking you; most people simply don't have a lot of sexual partners.
The CDC sets median average sexual partners for 25-44 aged men as 6, and 25-44 aged women as 4.2. Lifetime.
Sure, we can claim that these women interviewed are all liars, when in fact they're bouncing on 100 giga-Chad cocks each hot girl summer, but there's only so much understanding I can show towards these margins when the data shows a much more conservative view.
Wanted to have sex with that woman? Congratulations, get in line. If a woman were obligated to have sex with every man who was sexually interested in her, each woman that wasn't piss ugly would have a 'body count' of 100,000+. But they don't. The fact that you spent nearly three hours together and got pretty far along meant that you were a decent contender to be one of her "4" (give or take).
As liberalized as we might be, men and women alike push the "sexual shame" button against women, and they feel it. Many consider the "body count" number when they're considering a new partner. Why do you think they hesitate when you're trying to seal the deal? (I also believe that most men have sexual shames, but it can come out as seeking out sex to feel status and acceptance at the exclusion of better pursuits).
I'm speaking so harshly because this is a message that I wish I would have gotten sooner; there's too much red/black pill content being shuffled around, when their consumers aren't considering product quality (i.e., what qualities you bring to the relationships your seek), marketing (e.g., what avenues are you visible to your target audience, how do you stand out against your fellow man), and sales (e.g., are you conversing in a way that makes women excited to be around you?).
* Do you know how to flirt?
* Do you know how to build tension and apply pressure in a conversation?
* Do you have a signature cologne that gets a lot of compliments?
* Do you make direct eye contact?
* How good are your Tinder photos, really?
* What's your body fat percentage?
* Do your clothes communicate your chosen persona?
Instead of pointing at the extraneous circumstances, become deliberate in the man you want to portray to women, and your process for converting these women into your sexual lovers/girlfriends.
It might not be "fair" that we have a different set of expectations - perhaps more - than what women need to put forth, but consider that women put a LOT of thought and consideration into their appearance, their behavior, communication patterns, and digital footprint. They have us beat hands down in that respect. They also share tips on how to be better at it. Some have group chats on how to respond to guys' messages, or just blab about us to their girlfriends.
And I can understand if you're venting, but I felt compelled to write this.
Edit: Just saw your mention of going deep, not wide. Nice work

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