04-02-2023, 02:03 PM
Cycle 4, stage 4, day 2:
there is a major refactoring that I have done last month. I must have worked on it for maybe a good week on it. This was to enable a cool feature that would allow my system to trade for many accounts simultaneously. This is also opening the option of assigning specific trading strategies to specific accounts...
I was about to start using this new feature when I have discovered an omission. A data structure that should also be refactored to support this new feature. Discovering this omission has been like opening a pandora box. By working on addressing the omission made me find other issues that could not be triggered before the feature is actually used...
I am almost done but fixing this has been tedious and painful because it is affecting a big module that is a core component. It is possibly comparable to a full day open heart surgery in terms of complexity and by how demanding in terms of mental effort...
I have spent the last 3 days on this... I am exhausted from the effort... Next task will be to figure out why my latest strategy was producing a lot more trades 1 month and half month ago when it was only a protoype than the more refined version that is running today...
I will review daily reports for the last month or 2 to try to discover a pattern... I will also reread this journal... I recall that I had the thought that the first few days of each month did appear to be more quiet than usual... What I am seeing now appears to corroborate that observation but this is not the only cause for sure... Hopefully, I'll find a better explanation...
there is a major refactoring that I have done last month. I must have worked on it for maybe a good week on it. This was to enable a cool feature that would allow my system to trade for many accounts simultaneously. This is also opening the option of assigning specific trading strategies to specific accounts...
I was about to start using this new feature when I have discovered an omission. A data structure that should also be refactored to support this new feature. Discovering this omission has been like opening a pandora box. By working on addressing the omission made me find other issues that could not be triggered before the feature is actually used...
I am almost done but fixing this has been tedious and painful because it is affecting a big module that is a core component. It is possibly comparable to a full day open heart surgery in terms of complexity and by how demanding in terms of mental effort...
I have spent the last 3 days on this... I am exhausted from the effort... Next task will be to figure out why my latest strategy was producing a lot more trades 1 month and half month ago when it was only a protoype than the more refined version that is running today...
I will review daily reports for the last month or 2 to try to discover a pattern... I will also reread this journal... I recall that I had the thought that the first few days of each month did appear to be more quiet than usual... What I am seeing now appears to corroborate that observation but this is not the only cause for sure... Hopefully, I'll find a better explanation...