Hi All, (8/25/2022),
Overall, this is not going to be a great report.
I am kind of on my third cycle. I had done a short second cycle but several things militated against faithfulness to it-- one was a sleepless night that we couldn't explain, so I turned it off and skipped it the following night (this was during my second cycle I think).
I'm 3 days in after my last break of 2 or 3 days, and just not feeling myself at ALL....
p.s. It occurred to me that a possible plan would be to go off it again, see if it 'blooms', and then wait till effects fade again. One of the symptoms of low T for me is a panicky feeling. It is extremely unpleasant. When I was first diagnosed with Low T, I had figured it out by the symptoms and got my dr. to make the test ONLY by bargaining with him to take a 'depression test' because he was convinced I needed SSRIs... "Here, take these!" Then when my test came back I had the T of an 84-y-o man, twice my age at the time. Btw: by his test I turned out to not be depressed at all. Loved my life, my wife, my job and my kids--it was all good and I just had a hormonal issue.
Overall, this is not going to be a great report.
I am kind of on my third cycle. I had done a short second cycle but several things militated against faithfulness to it-- one was a sleepless night that we couldn't explain, so I turned it off and skipped it the following night (this was during my second cycle I think).
I'm 3 days in after my last break of 2 or 3 days, and just not feeling myself at ALL....
- The mental clarity and memory improvement are gone....
- My moods have sunk to an all-time low and am struggling with low-T crankiness, it's subtle and sometimes I don't notice it till after I've triggered a conflict with the wife. This happens due to me over-reacting to something legitimately negative she does, that I just can't handle, but WAS handling fine early in running the sub.
- The first couple days of this cycle my testicular size started to reverse and grow again, but yesterday evening and today, has sunk again.
- I am losing weight that I don't want to lose and having trouble eating enough. The weight isn't good weight-- my belly is actually a little bigger today than it was two weeks ago, yet I'm 5 pounds lighter than 4 weeks ago. This means I'm losing muscle cause I don't have much fat anywhere else on arms or legs, etc.
- Libido is at an all time low, sexual excitement and erections are hard to get
- Wife's weight loss stopped for a few days and the reverted.
p.s. It occurred to me that a possible plan would be to go off it again, see if it 'blooms', and then wait till effects fade again. One of the symptoms of low T for me is a panicky feeling. It is extremely unpleasant. When I was first diagnosed with Low T, I had figured it out by the symptoms and got my dr. to make the test ONLY by bargaining with him to take a 'depression test' because he was convinced I needed SSRIs... "Here, take these!" Then when my test came back I had the T of an 84-y-o man, twice my age at the time. Btw: by his test I turned out to not be depressed at all. Loved my life, my wife, my job and my kids--it was all good and I just had a hormonal issue.