03-03-2022, 02:21 AM
What's up fellow ADHD'er! Glad to see you running this man. I've been back on MLS for the past two weeks now and it's helping me out a lot in the education department and with life in general. Similar to you, the main thing I've noticed is that I can actually consciously FOCUS. Consistently. This is something that's honestly unheard of for me. Granted, I'll still have times where my mind drifts but having that ability to refocus like other neurotypicals is amazing. And with the added focus means I can actually work more efficiently and quite honestly just get sh!t done. The FRM should help you with the OCD as well. I've definitely developed a bit of anxiety over the years but OF 5.5G and MLS 5.75G have both helped in that department. Good luck to you man! Now off to update my own journal...