08-28-2021, 08:19 PM
Shannon : How are you handling Stage 3 with no FRM present?
Me: Shannon ,Im so glad you asked that question of Me. I AM thankful you did.
HOnestly Man,I Miss thee hell outta FRM in anything,especially this program. cant wait to get back on it, on STAGE 4 geez I miss the hell out of it I really do. IM handling stage 3 OK, purdy good but I swear FRM 5.0 really helps me over all and specifically with UMSv2.
Honeslty Man I think I would be better with FRM 5.0 honestly. thats why I wanna wear the hell outta Stage 4.
In fact and I dunno how you feel about this but I was seriusly thinking that down the road ,that I'd run stage 2 and 4 back to back, ona continual. but first I wanna run stage 4 for a few months straight. a Minimum of two months,to test drive it to see.
thanks Shannon!! Yeah I miss FRM.
Me: Shannon ,Im so glad you asked that question of Me. I AM thankful you did.
HOnestly Man,I Miss thee hell outta FRM in anything,especially this program. cant wait to get back on it, on STAGE 4 geez I miss the hell out of it I really do. IM handling stage 3 OK, purdy good but I swear FRM 5.0 really helps me over all and specifically with UMSv2.
Honeslty Man I think I would be better with FRM 5.0 honestly. thats why I wanna wear the hell outta Stage 4.
In fact and I dunno how you feel about this but I was seriusly thinking that down the road ,that I'd run stage 2 and 4 back to back, ona continual. but first I wanna run stage 4 for a few months straight. a Minimum of two months,to test drive it to see.
thanks Shannon!! Yeah I miss FRM.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"