05-01-2021, 11:25 AM
(04-30-2021, 06:53 AM)Extalia Wrote: Hi! I'm starting on MLS 5.75.6 today, and I have several questions that I hope you guys won't mind answering!
1. I have profound hearing loss in both ears, I wear a hearing aid on my right side. I connect my phone to a wireless phone clip, which then connects to my hearing aid. Will this affect the quality of the audio and my results? Also, I listen to the subliminal at almost full volume, because I have problems hearing and deciphering what people say in real life, is this fine?
Here is the hearing aid and wireless phone clip that I use:
I ended up coughing so much last night that I had to take Nyquil to fall asleep, and that stuff knocks me for a loop the next day. So it'll be easiest for me to just reply as if nobody else responded.
I understand that you are using a microphone in your cell phone or the wireless phone clip to transmit the sounds that your implant translates to electrical signals which your brain then interprets as sound for your hearing. If this is at all incorrect, let me know.
You asked:
Will this affect the quality of the audio and my results?
Yes. The process being different from "normal" hearing will inevitably affect the results. The key considerations will be as follows:
1. Does the microphone have the dynamic range necessary to capture the subliminal audio regarding sensitivity, volume and pitch of the necessary subliminal audio? Masked subliminals use a louder sound to "hide" a lower volume sound, which is known as "volume differencing", while ultrasonics use a method known as "pitch differencing" to make sound ultrasonic by changing the carrier pitch to what is known technically as the "umbra ultrasonic", which is to say in more common speech that it's the range of ultrasonic that is generally inaudible to the ear naturally at the conscious level, but which is detected and decoded successfully by the subconscious.
If the microphone in use is tuned to the normal carrier pitch and volume of human speech (which would seem likely) then it may or may not be able to pick up and translate the hidden subliminal audio in the volume differenced masked subliminals, or the pitch differenced ultrasonics. Or, it may not be able to detect and transfer all of the subliminal data.
If, on the other hand, it can and does, you should get normal benefit from the subliminals relative to the "volume" at which your brain is perceiving them. Volume does have an impact also. I have had little in the way of opportunity so far to know or learn how different types of hearing loss and different hearing aids and implants have the potential to function with regards to subliminals.
I do know, however, that theoretically, ultrasonics should work for some types of hearing loss, and my experience so far seems to bear that out. My opportunity to test that has been extremely rare.
Quote:2. Is it recommended to strictly adhere to the instructed listening times, or can we adjust it according to our observations? (which can sometimes be unsound) For example, we reduce the listening time by one loop if we get exhausted, and vice versa?
The programs that are 5.5G and above have a module in them to try to get your subconscious to help you tune the usage patterns for the unique variables that you represent as an individual. Anything before that, follow the instructions; 5.5G and later, the procedure is to follow the instructions for at least a week, and if you get the urge to change the usage patterns then:
A) if the urge tells you to use it more, or more frequently, or at a higher volume, go ahead.
B) if the urge tells you to use it less, or less frequently, or at a lower volume, then proceed with caution. Lessening the instructed value is not always, but frequently an effort by the subconscious to change the usage patterns in the reverse manner instructed, and set them to not where they will work best, but where the subconscious can effectively ignore them and successfully avoid achieving the program's goals.
The program's instructions are designed to minimize or prevent exhaustion. If that happens, it will be as a result of resistance to the goal of the program, and if you don't feel that urge to change the settings, leave them alone unless it is causing you serious issues. The exhaustion will go away once the resistance is dealt with, but it can't be dealt with, or dfealt with as quickly, if you back off from the instructed settings in many cases.
Quote:3. I'm curious why do we have to stick to one program with the 5th generation technology? What would happen if we listened to another physical (or mental) subliminal for a reasonably short period of time, say about an hour or two? What about boosters?
The reason we have generations of programming is that my goal was (and is) to create a subliminal that "just works" across all types of personality, physiology, belief systems, backgrounds, etc. That is an extremely challenging task. When I was developing the 3rd-4th-4th generation, I slowly realized that part of the problem was dilution and confusion caused by people wanting to do too many things at once. So I designed 5G and up to be the sole goal, and focus all available energy, attention and resources on the program's goals. Over time, I have only accentuated this focus.
The result is that in the case of using multiple titles, the best case scenario is confusion and or exhaustion (if they are relatively equal in power) or one will simply destroy the other (if they are not). The worst case scenario is that you may cause your subconscious to be exposed to multiple different scripting techniques from different program creators, who have different levels of understanding of how to communicate to the subconscious mind effectively, and which have the end result of triggering contradictory, unexpected and/or confused reactions, which can be very negative and possibly very subtle. That's why we have a hard rule to never mix subliminals producers.
There are very few cases where you can use one of my advanced subliminals with another one of my subliminals. Any case where you're using a program that contains the Directional Reflection Shield (DRS) can be used along with the stand alone DRS, but even this will have a price. Each program is a set of modules which each have goals which are, or support, the primary program goal. They are designed in such a way as to balance very carefully to do that job. Adding in more DRS will unbalance the other program, and reduce its effectiveness and success. In very rare cases, two titles I have created may have such similar goals as to become synergistic. I think that has happened exactly once, and I don't remember what those titles were.
As for "boosters"... you should never try to use them with any of my subs. Not only are they breaking the "Don't mix subliminals producers" rule, but my subliminals are created in such a way that boosters are not only unnecessary, they will have a damaging effect. The fact is, boosters are attempting to correct a flaw in the subliminal, which is, it isn't powerful enough. My programs are designed from the start to achieve the sweet spot of power, below which it won't work as well, and above which it also won't work as well. This is especially true in 5.75.7G, which now allows me to open up the throttle all the way. Thus, "boosting" it - if the booster is even powerful enough to affect the primary program - will push it past the optimal power point and reduce effectiveness. This is why I do not make or allow the use of boosters with my subliminals.
Quote:4. Will this subliminal change our personality? I've read that it has a fear removal thingy, so will it indirectly make us more confident, more charismatic, mature, bold?
Thank you!
That is a deceptively simple question, one which is predicated upon the assumption that we all know and agree what a personality actually is.
Let's put it this way.
When you are born, you have certain natural proclivities that are fixed, and some potentials that are not. "Personality" is made up of some of both of these. Those parts that are fixed can operate out of and be expressed as a range of possibilities which represent the positive pole of expression, the negative pole of expression and everything in between. Those potentials which are not fixed are potentially anything, but may be more or less fluid based on other parts of the personality and how you respond both consciously and subconsciously, what your beliefs are, point of view, etc.
Subliminals work by changing what you believe to be true at deep levels, and or what choices you make. For example, fear removal module will eventually work its way down to the fears you felt when you were an infant. The "personality" present at each age is at a different level of complexity and development. Each will communicate differently and cogitate differently. Thus, different approaches are necessary for each "level of development" that is represented by each age group.
If we take as an example a person in their 40's who holds within their subconscious records a two year old child who learned to be afraid of the dark, the 40 year old may not be consciously afraid of the dark anymore, but that inner two year old may still be. It may respond to being in the dark still with fear, and which fear may not even register at the conscious level anymore, but may still drive behaviors that result from that subconscious fear. Because these behaviors have "always been there", they have become so normalized that they are not noticed. But if you help that two year old inner child let go of the fear, the root of the issue disappears and the behavior changes. It may appear that the "personality" has changed, but what has changed is not the personality; it's a belief (something will get me if I'm in the dark) that has changed, and with it, the response to it (fear) has disappeared, which in turn removes the behaviors that the fear resulted in.
The only reason that someone might think their personality has changed is that they have come to believe that that behavior is them, and identify with it as "me" and as that behavior. This isn't really the identity; it's the observation of "what is consistent about myself that separates me from others". So changing that belief that removes the fear that changes the behavior creates a difference in the observed actions and choices of "me" which now creates a bit of dissonance with what the "identity" was before. A change in "me" has been made, which must either be "corrected" (revert back to what was before), or adjusted to (accepted and have the identity adjusted to match the new beliefs, actions, choices and results).
Of course you are not your behavior, nor your choices, nor your actions, nor your illnesses; but many people mistake these things for "identity". You are what and who experiences those things, which is not so easily detected and defined by the conscious awareness, which is why it makes the mistake of assuming that these other things are "itself" in the first place.
Subliminals don't change your personality, they change your most basic beliefs. This in turn changes your point of view, your choices, your actions, your reactions and your experiences as a result. You will adjust yourself to those changes by expressing the same you in different ways, having different points of view, holding different beliefs and making different choices, taking different actions and so forth as a result. An angry person may become calm and loving, but both potentials were within the same person, and only the focus of the person was shifted. An alcoholic may stop drinking alcohol because the key triggers were negated, but the personality being expressed is a different aspect of the same thing. It's about like having a six sided die come up on 4 instead of 1. Same die, different aspect being expressed.
We all have positive and negative potentials and polarities of expression. It's what we believe at our deepest points that causes us to choose what to express.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!