I doubt it's a skill. It sounds like he's genuinley a busy man. He's got the drive push and desire to keep moving and I'm sure it's all for a good reason. Having this constant push and desire naturally makes you charismatic just by the way you move and plus you have to have a some good energy in you to do all of that. One of the guys I film with used to own a very successful mattress business and You can tell only someone like him could have made it soo successful because he's always moving and most importantly doing what he loves and enjoying himself.
but.. either way It would be awesome if some new opportunities arise from this for you
but.. either way It would be awesome if some new opportunities arise from this for you

"To love completely and hold onto nothing-that is the only freedom." -David Deida
"If at first glance it may appear too hard, look again. Always look again." - Unknown
If you would like to get in touch with me, please send me an email.
"If at first glance it may appear too hard, look again. Always look again." - Unknown
If you would like to get in touch with me, please send me an email.