01-06-2021, 05:04 AM
MIR3 feedback
I started MIR3 on 19 Sep 2020 as I was struggling with a debilitating eye ‘infection.’ My eye was so bad I feared losing the vision in my ‘only’ good eye. This was quite a traumatising experience at the time.
I held off on switching to MIR for a month as I thought it may ‘just’ be resistance to OF V1. I couldn’t ‘view’ any device, screen or book etc, the best thing was to go to bed and sleep. One saviour was when when my friend put 2 drops of colloidal gold in my eye - instant relief.
I had previously been running OF V1 since 5 July (for 2.5 months) before changing to MIR.
I had been using colloidal silver and colloidal gold drops (MesoGold/Meso/Silver) in addition to MIR3.
I used MIR Ultrasonic (US) for about 7 weeks. Whilst it had some effect I still struggled to fully resolve the issue and my eye kept flaring up in cycles.
I then switched to MIR Hybrid (MIR-H). The effects were stronger from the off. I ran this for another approx 6 weeks and it helped a lot. Thus I was able to get back to a ‘normal’ life.
So, using MIR-H along with colloidal gold and silver and with energy healing techniques plus EFT the issue has about 96% cleared up. There is a small underlying ‘energetic/psychic’ remnant remaining which I am clearing up using colloidal gold/silver drops and energy healing techniques.
MIR3 definitely helped. Thank you @Shannon - the thought during the worst bit was that it may be easier to ‘exit stage left’ than to continue in this body with this condition. Of course that thought quickly passed as I have a purpose here.
I have now started a 2nd run of UMS V1 (since 24/12/2020) as this is a pressing issue - I’ll create a new journal for that.
Once again - thank you @Shannon and all who help contribute in the development of this technology.
MIR3 Hybrid helped me eliminate 96% of the 'debilitating eye issue.'
I started MIR3 on 19 Sep 2020 as I was struggling with a debilitating eye ‘infection.’ My eye was so bad I feared losing the vision in my ‘only’ good eye. This was quite a traumatising experience at the time.
I held off on switching to MIR for a month as I thought it may ‘just’ be resistance to OF V1. I couldn’t ‘view’ any device, screen or book etc, the best thing was to go to bed and sleep. One saviour was when when my friend put 2 drops of colloidal gold in my eye - instant relief.
I had previously been running OF V1 since 5 July (for 2.5 months) before changing to MIR.
I had been using colloidal silver and colloidal gold drops (MesoGold/Meso/Silver) in addition to MIR3.
I used MIR Ultrasonic (US) for about 7 weeks. Whilst it had some effect I still struggled to fully resolve the issue and my eye kept flaring up in cycles.
I then switched to MIR Hybrid (MIR-H). The effects were stronger from the off. I ran this for another approx 6 weeks and it helped a lot. Thus I was able to get back to a ‘normal’ life.
So, using MIR-H along with colloidal gold and silver and with energy healing techniques plus EFT the issue has about 96% cleared up. There is a small underlying ‘energetic/psychic’ remnant remaining which I am clearing up using colloidal gold/silver drops and energy healing techniques.
MIR3 definitely helped. Thank you @Shannon - the thought during the worst bit was that it may be easier to ‘exit stage left’ than to continue in this body with this condition. Of course that thought quickly passed as I have a purpose here.
I have now started a 2nd run of UMS V1 (since 24/12/2020) as this is a pressing issue - I’ll create a new journal for that.
Once again - thank you @Shannon and all who help contribute in the development of this technology.
MIR3 Hybrid helped me eliminate 96% of the 'debilitating eye issue.'
Good Vibes To All