07-31-2020, 04:12 PM
I pretty much lived by that list, but I didn't forget or deny the mystical side of life.
For the first 27/28 years of my life, I slept alone (save for the occasional one night stand or week-long girlfriend). I grew tired of that. I began to imagine sleeping next to someone, and even wrote out what I really wanted... A relationship with the perfect person for me, who would challenge me and help me grow as a person, but also be fearsomely loyal and loving - a person who I would love in return.
I read that statement every night in bed for some time. Next thing I know, I met my wife through circumstances outside of my direct control, but a natural extension of my best laid life plans. She fits the bill to my statement and visualizations to this day.
I still got everything I wanted on my list.
Stay-at-home dad, check.
Work-from-home, check.
Be my own boss, check.
So I make plans, and am careful as to what I visualize and set my intentions toward... Because in the end, I get what I put out there.
Keep up what good work, Dan.
For the first 27/28 years of my life, I slept alone (save for the occasional one night stand or week-long girlfriend). I grew tired of that. I began to imagine sleeping next to someone, and even wrote out what I really wanted... A relationship with the perfect person for me, who would challenge me and help me grow as a person, but also be fearsomely loyal and loving - a person who I would love in return.
I read that statement every night in bed for some time. Next thing I know, I met my wife through circumstances outside of my direct control, but a natural extension of my best laid life plans. She fits the bill to my statement and visualizations to this day.
I still got everything I wanted on my list.
Stay-at-home dad, check.
Work-from-home, check.
Be my own boss, check.
So I make plans, and am careful as to what I visualize and set my intentions toward... Because in the end, I get what I put out there.
Keep up what good work, Dan.