06-18-2020, 08:37 AM
Stage 6// Day 35
Nothing much
Due to quarantine, there was a lack of girls for to shine.
The change in my personality is there just toned down by 60%, stage 2 was great!
The girls that I was texting petered out. The girl I have chemistry with, aka anal girl kept persistently accusing me of being gay. That was mildly irritating.
The ten in my job, she’s 18/yo, I had texted her b4 quarantine, she left me on read.
Saw her last week, chatted and she asks for my number bc she got a new phone.
Texted a little yesterday, so that’s progress.
I want to f her & keep her around bc she has that dry obvious humor that I noticed really pretty girls 9-10s in looks ten to have, I kinda hate that humor. However, I gotta adapt a little if I want more beautiful girls in my life.
Nothing much
Due to quarantine, there was a lack of girls for to shine.
The change in my personality is there just toned down by 60%, stage 2 was great!
The girls that I was texting petered out. The girl I have chemistry with, aka anal girl kept persistently accusing me of being gay. That was mildly irritating.
The ten in my job, she’s 18/yo, I had texted her b4 quarantine, she left me on read.
Saw her last week, chatted and she asks for my number bc she got a new phone.
Texted a little yesterday, so that’s progress.
I want to f her & keep her around bc she has that dry obvious humor that I noticed really pretty girls 9-10s in looks ten to have, I kinda hate that humor. However, I gotta adapt a little if I want more beautiful girls in my life.