05-04-2020, 09:55 AM
(05-01-2020, 01:48 PM)Shannon Wrote:(05-01-2020, 12:43 PM)rono Wrote:Quote:Quote:Shannon:
Regarding Sexual Drive Maximizer....
It sounds similar to X124 and X32 as well as PSE... I already purchased X124 and found it moderately effective for speeding up the approach to sex and intensifying the experience, but after a loop or so stops having effects. PSE is a great long-term warm up for listening over a period of time and in my experience simply makes for a romantic environment and smooths over any minor friction opening the path toward intimacy.
In X32 (if I am remembering correctly) it was SO effective at making whoever hears it want to have sex with you that it includes a verbal disclaimer.
How does SDM compare to X32? They seem to have similar or the same goals (put in different words) but SDM seems to have 'guard rails'.
Am I understanding things? I think I might be interested in a new addition to my sub protocol, so wondering which is more effective, more appropriate, etc.
Also, can SDM be used with DMSI in an episodic manner?
First, SDM is not an aphrodisiac, as are all the ones you mention. Its goal is simply to increase your sex drive, which is the parent of sexual motivation and arousal. An aphrodisiac goes in and tries to directly trigger arousal. SDM does what results in your body returning to it's maximum state of sex drive. You don't need any aphrodisiac when you're in that state. It's like when I was 18 I was constantly having to hide spontaneous erections in High School because they would be so obvious. I didn't ask for them, didn't want them - they were just there. My sex drive was at its peak, and it made me need sex to such a degree that it was torture.
Porn is an aphrodisiac of sorts. I didn't need porn. I didn't need to see anything in particular that was stimulating. I was simply in a state of readiness and urgency for sexual activity all the time.
Now, in my 40's I have a higher sex drive than most of the people out there at my age, but it's not what it used to be. Using an aphrodisiac will turn me on, but using SDM means I return to that state where I don't need any aphrodisiac to turn me on. Does that make sense?
SDM can be used in the moment with DMSI, but I strongly recommend that you know how SDM and DMSI each affect you individually inside and out before you try something like that. It is also possible that they may enhance each other's effects, or conflict. They have very different goals, and while they may trigger some of the same responses, they do so in very different ways and for very different reasons. If you get SDM, I suggest using it for a few months alone before you try using it with anything else. In fact I suspect you may not want to use it in combination, after a few months exposing yourself and your wife to it.
To more specifically answer your query about X32 vs SDM... SDM vastly outstrips X32 for how powerful and effective it is, and it is designed to achieve a longer term more steady "ambient" level of sexual readiness, interest and desire. X32 is designed for shorter term use, and is very old technology at this point in comparison.
Thanks for the cogent response! That's quite helpful.
Now a couple more questions about SDM. One of the reasons I started using DMSI 3.3.2 is that I expected it to and it DOES heighten sexual drive and urgency for my wife and I.
Sounds like SDM would be more 'to the point', though.
When I read the description (a couple times) I noted that SDM has not been tested on 60-year-olds. I am 64 at this writing and wonder if it might be more useful overall at this point than continuing DMSI 3.3.2. I continue to see good effects from DMSI and am happy with it, but the idea of simply having that natural state where you pop erections all the time (even if it was half that effective) would be great. Do you expect that SDM would work for someone my age, even though, as you point out it has not been tested in our age range?
Yes. The design of the program and what it does/how it works is intended to be useful regardless of your age, as long as you are healthy enough to have sex in the first place.
Quote:Also, little is said about the female experience as I remember, but it should be able to cut both ways. Would it work on a 60 something woman with an already fairly healthy sex drive to want it more frequently and perhaps initiate more often?
It is designed to be equally useful and effective for the ladies as it is for the gents.
Quote:If I were to use this more than episodically, how long would you advise waiting after finishing a DMSI cycle before trying it?
You can start using it immediately if you like. However, to better see what it is doing, you'll want to give yourself 2-4 weeks off DMSI first.
Thanks for the answers! I'm looking forward to buying, downloading and trying it out sometime when it makes sense.
Still seeing some interesting effects that I believe are coming from the DMSI 3.3.2 so I'm wondering if I keep looping if I'll see more interesting effects.