Ums takes "where attention goes, energy flows" to a whole new level. Free choice and association.
Energy is high and thriving, highly present and successfull. Ums/I am beyond anything and everything I ever was and things unfold quick. Like a "sit back, enjoy the ride"
I realize I did exercise "visualisation" and practices from a place of "need to control" fear based future thinking.
Abundance includes choice of saving. My internal value structure is changing, standards are raising. This uncovers some things, likes a subtle fear of loss, and loss of "relatability" which is bs and external point of orientation, something thats telling in my case.
Im thinking bigger and am unafraid to accept it. Take the leap. Purchase that island and make powermoves. Be a titan , make impact.
Raise up, think big and exeptional. Can I meet my own standards?
Lifestyle translation into profit yet deep satisfaction and enjoyment.
Ums is unleashing me and setting me free. My attention is directly effective.
All of this feels like fluff and mental masturbation. Hah.
Energy is high and thriving, highly present and successfull. Ums/I am beyond anything and everything I ever was and things unfold quick. Like a "sit back, enjoy the ride"
I realize I did exercise "visualisation" and practices from a place of "need to control" fear based future thinking.
Abundance includes choice of saving. My internal value structure is changing, standards are raising. This uncovers some things, likes a subtle fear of loss, and loss of "relatability" which is bs and external point of orientation, something thats telling in my case.
Im thinking bigger and am unafraid to accept it. Take the leap. Purchase that island and make powermoves. Be a titan , make impact.
Raise up, think big and exeptional. Can I meet my own standards?
Lifestyle translation into profit yet deep satisfaction and enjoyment.
Ums is unleashing me and setting me free. My attention is directly effective.
All of this feels like fluff and mental masturbation. Hah.