Heat is burning of from me, like an extra layer. The shield prolly.
Training up
Quit smoking
Quit pmo
Nutrition wise and spending wise im more keen. Lean flat cheese, eggs, no junk, other then, lets say, gummybears for after training.
I get superlikes on tindr but im unfazed. Just no interest/myself truly first. The amount of IOIs I get is way up, yet my common reality now. Ahead of the curve.
Training up
Quit smoking
Quit pmo
Nutrition wise and spending wise im more keen. Lean flat cheese, eggs, no junk, other then, lets say, gummybears for after training.
I get superlikes on tindr but im unfazed. Just no interest/myself truly first. The amount of IOIs I get is way up, yet my common reality now. Ahead of the curve.