UMS/FRM has touched some same old same old patterns. Nothing which the sub cannot overcome tbh. Its showing itself in some familiar messages, and frankly, some subtle anger seems to come up aswell.
Procrastination not in the sense of "holding off" but more an overal "bleuness" an general, quite litteral expression of "idk what to do/boredom in all things/nothing is even slightly stimulating. An overal staleness which I expect to teeter out and in which I expect some catching back up afterwards. Nothing really to worry about. Things melt away still. But I decided to make it an early bedtime. Its similar to mild depression.
Anyways. I cannot not be wealthy is the sentiment that is dominant the last couple of days. Im having fears im directly seeing through, so thats good.
Interests are directly followed up by monetization for the heck of it. Nature. I mean, something draws my attention and clear steps unfold directly instinctively for lack of better words. Lets say, bitcoin. Fear is absent and its thrill. Needless to say, im solid as heck internally, having fun with it and it is great. This also expresses itself in a dissipating of whatever internally takes place. Getting present and peak performance. Limitless flow.
I have no impulse to run any loop now, so I let it roll and let UMS do its thing.
Procrastination not in the sense of "holding off" but more an overal "bleuness" an general, quite litteral expression of "idk what to do/boredom in all things/nothing is even slightly stimulating. An overal staleness which I expect to teeter out and in which I expect some catching back up afterwards. Nothing really to worry about. Things melt away still. But I decided to make it an early bedtime. Its similar to mild depression.
Anyways. I cannot not be wealthy is the sentiment that is dominant the last couple of days. Im having fears im directly seeing through, so thats good.
Interests are directly followed up by monetization for the heck of it. Nature. I mean, something draws my attention and clear steps unfold directly instinctively for lack of better words. Lets say, bitcoin. Fear is absent and its thrill. Needless to say, im solid as heck internally, having fun with it and it is great. This also expresses itself in a dissipating of whatever internally takes place. Getting present and peak performance. Limitless flow.
I have no impulse to run any loop now, so I let it roll and let UMS do its thing.