12-05-2019, 11:06 PM
Day 65
Last night I went for some car repair. The guy quoted me a fixed rate on telephone, but when I went to get the work , I got a good discount. It was not much in absolute terms but quite good. I also notice lots of repeated numbers during the evening and way home like 666, 7777, 333 and so on. I noticed most of these numbers on car number plates. I have never seen such numbers in so much quantity in one day. At night wife was super nice to me and made some nice meal out of ordinary.
I listened to 8 loops last night. Probably the volume was bit high and I woke up with a slight headache which vanished in about one hour. I also had some dreams about which I could not make much, pretty seemed like normal stuff.
Overall I am feeling like kind of some demotivated for last 2-3 days. I am unable to understand why. Maybe the sub is working on something and I am subconsciously facing something or like that. I am just postponing stuff. I am feeling ok behavior wise but just do not want to work or do anything. I am doing only what needs to be done now and putting off other things to next week.
Last night I went for some car repair. The guy quoted me a fixed rate on telephone, but when I went to get the work , I got a good discount. It was not much in absolute terms but quite good. I also notice lots of repeated numbers during the evening and way home like 666, 7777, 333 and so on. I noticed most of these numbers on car number plates. I have never seen such numbers in so much quantity in one day. At night wife was super nice to me and made some nice meal out of ordinary.
I listened to 8 loops last night. Probably the volume was bit high and I woke up with a slight headache which vanished in about one hour. I also had some dreams about which I could not make much, pretty seemed like normal stuff.
Overall I am feeling like kind of some demotivated for last 2-3 days. I am unable to understand why. Maybe the sub is working on something and I am subconsciously facing something or like that. I am just postponing stuff. I am feeling ok behavior wise but just do not want to work or do anything. I am doing only what needs to be done now and putting off other things to next week.
E1 182 days: E2 127 days: USLM3 317 days: UMS 210 days...