10-18-2019, 07:11 PM
Shannon I’ve believe in you for what that matter. Your subliminals have showed me that there is a life beyond what I though life was. I’m still struggling with fear, but I’m working actively on overcoming it. I didn’t read your full posts but I agree that fear is a beast with tentacles as you put it. I love going to raves and dancing, it’s in some way a medium to release fear for me. A training in being present. Today when going it though during my dance that fear is a fear about what’s beyond fear. Beyond fear in our ability to be present isn’t more fear, but just stillness and love I think, but I only can phantom this, and it isn’t really heping. But I’m still working on overcoming fear as I know that life beyond it will be free to a degree I can’t really know now, only have an idea about, and that idea is one food one.