Student loan debt is backbreaking. It's an awful situation, look up how much student loan debt is outstanding in the U.S., you'll be shocked...
I've gotten pretty far myself, without any "pieces of paper". Honestly, unless you're going to be a doctor or a lawyer (even then I'd take GREAT pause beforehand as the debt can kill you and pay isn't as hot as you may think, especially for lawyers...), I'd forget it. Maybe coding if anything, but even that can be learned elsewhere and without mountains of BS debt that will drown you forever.
What Shannon said above it true. Learning business/sales can give you the income you seek, and way more. No degree needed for either.
With the internet, that whole degree mill/loan debt culture has been largely destroyed.
I've gotten pretty far myself, without any "pieces of paper". Honestly, unless you're going to be a doctor or a lawyer (even then I'd take GREAT pause beforehand as the debt can kill you and pay isn't as hot as you may think, especially for lawyers...), I'd forget it. Maybe coding if anything, but even that can be learned elsewhere and without mountains of BS debt that will drown you forever.
What Shannon said above it true. Learning business/sales can give you the income you seek, and way more. No degree needed for either.
With the internet, that whole degree mill/loan debt culture has been largely destroyed.