07-08-2019, 06:34 PM
Life Tune Up 5.0.
-Paul1131 said this here
Quote:I am currently taking a week’s break from subs before I start on UMS or whatever it winds up being called. I plan to buy it and start it on Friday. Depending on how much extra is on my check I may buy a second copy for my wife on Monday too. If not I’ll get hers on the next check. I was surprised about how positive she was when I showed her the description. I can’t wait to see how it works to have both of us working toward the same goal.
A five month run of LTU5 has worked wonders for me. I feel like a different person with a better life even though life isn’t that different outwardly. I just read my log, and it really drove home how much has improved. The effects that I have noticed.
- Reduced aches and pains on getting up in the morning.
- I get up faster and onto what I had planned to do.
- I got rid of three nervous tics that I’ve had since I was a kid.
- I pretty much quit drinking soda.
- I no longer have extreme stress and hyper vigilance when in crowded places (this came from working as a correctional officer for a decade). I am still on the lookout for trouble, but very calm about it.
- Dramatic reduction in angry thoughts and feelings. They used to hit me randomly, but that’s gone.
- Chronic indigestion is gone.
- I can now experience my goals as a “daydream” with full emotional engagement.
- Improved social confidence in public places.
- I am able to stand my ground and calmly assert myself with my wife, and anyone who is trying to mistreat or pressure me. The “push” they’re trying to send just doesn’t get to me.
- I am now able to set things aside when there’s nothing I can do to effect a situation (IE waiting on the results of a job interview, ect) and not worry about them. This one is huge, I used to stress myself beyond belief.
- I am less derailed by disappointments and setbacks. I can now say oh well, and go back at the problem with a different plan.
- My thinking has switched polarities. It used to be that the negative thoughts were dominant and I got a positive one now and then or if I forced it. Now it’s exactly opposite of that.
- I have greater insight into what is happening in my mind. I can occasionally hear “arguments” between different levels of my subconscious, or different “voices”.
- I feel a hell of a lot less stress on a day to day basis. My bad days feel better than my good days used to.
- I feel very optimistic about the future most of the time now.
- I have been able to calmly analyze a lot of the things in my past have caused problems with how I think and feel.
- I can now consciously calm myself down when I do feel stressed, angry, ect.
- I used to make self deprecating jokes a lot. That no longer happens at all.
- My internal critic is almost entirely silent.
- I am doing a much better job at keeping up with routine tasks around the house.
- My general self confidence has skyrocketed even more than on USLM. Others have commented on this as well as it being very clear to me.
- I feel like I deserve a great life and I will have one.
It’s been awesome, I will definitely be back to this one regularly, this version or the next. Excellent work Shannon and thank you.
-Paul1131 said this here