07-08-2019, 05:43 PM
(07-08-2019, 05:23 PM)Wharrgarbl Wrote:(07-08-2019, 05:07 PM)Ampersnd Wrote: Great journal!
I'm wondering what will make this stand out compared to BASE and BAMM.
I'm really happy this came out, but it seems like these other subs cover that topic (without the 5.5G aspect, of course).
And yes, I've read the sales page.
I never ran the others so I cant say. This one feels like it will create a lifestyle and not just a set of skill or a number in your bank account. This feels like an entire life overhaul where anything you need to accomplish your goal will arrive. I can't emphasize enough how wide-reaching this sub feels. I may develop skills and may have large amounts of funds in my bank account but that will be a side effect.
Or if this analogy makes sense: A diamond cannot be properly displayed on jewelry without a socket to be put in. I feel like this sub is the socket.
Dayummmmm !! Geez. gawd I cant wait to use this magnificant piece of geniusness. As stated,MY friend Dar is gonna help me with the purchase of UMS Tomorrw(Tuesday) or Wednesday at the latest.... Im going thru some serious 'resentments' tonight,even more so that I might any other time, it is felt on the mental,emotional and physical levels, I can only figure its 'pre-stuff' coming up to be dealt with for UMS? IM really really tired too...so it may be
'stuff's up for healing" & resistance...we shall see.........Wharrgarbl you have such an amazing way of expressing thoughts,feelings,emotions and the vibes of whats going on...giving clear details but not over doing it.I envy you in this way man. truly gifted Man. whens your book coming out? (More money too!)
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"