I’d never planned on running UMS because only some of my goals are money related. I have career goals which would make the money situation better if I achieved them simply because getting one of the jobs I want would translate to making more money, but that’s never been the whole of my focus or even really a main focus.
Now though, it’s like I’m trying to untie an invincible knot. Every solution I think of is blocked by some other aspect of the situation. Pull on one thread and the rest of them tighten.
There are two pieces of good luck that are going to help though. The first is that about half of my coworkers have moved on to other jobs in the last month and a half, so the next few months are going to see me Working sixty to seventy two hours a week. That’s five or six twelve hour shifts. Not pleasant but nothing I can’t handle for a while. That will keep the situation from getting worse and allow me to purchase UMS which will hopefully allow me to find the sword I need to cut through this knot before the gorgon decides to take a bite out of me.
Come to think of it, this is following the usual yearly cycle of my life. Things always seem worst, most stressful and require the most work in high summer. Then they change for the better just as fall hits. Hopefully UMS will help me get a major breakthrough along that timeline, and I can be on to what I actually want to be dealing with soon.
Now though, it’s like I’m trying to untie an invincible knot. Every solution I think of is blocked by some other aspect of the situation. Pull on one thread and the rest of them tighten.
There are two pieces of good luck that are going to help though. The first is that about half of my coworkers have moved on to other jobs in the last month and a half, so the next few months are going to see me Working sixty to seventy two hours a week. That’s five or six twelve hour shifts. Not pleasant but nothing I can’t handle for a while. That will keep the situation from getting worse and allow me to purchase UMS which will hopefully allow me to find the sword I need to cut through this knot before the gorgon decides to take a bite out of me.
Come to think of it, this is following the usual yearly cycle of my life. Things always seem worst, most stressful and require the most work in high summer. Then they change for the better just as fall hits. Hopefully UMS will help me get a major breakthrough along that timeline, and I can be on to what I actually want to be dealing with soon.