Since I have trouble figuring out the abbreviations, I just used the full title of the free subliminal I am currently using.
I can not sleep more than 5-6 hours a night, so I have not been able to do 8 hours per night.
I do the silent version while working to try to make up for it.
Week 1:
The first week, I was definitely getting a good 8-12 hours worth of subliminal time in per 24 hour period and was feeling pretty good.
CON: I noticed leaving the silent subliminal on too many hours while working made me feel fried (really tired in the brain), so I quickly learned to turn it off after about 4 hours.
FIX: I found 2 hours in the morning before lunch and a couple hours after lunch works find.
Week 2:
Memorial weekend messed up my flow since we went away for 3 days. I listened to subliminals a little bit for 2 nights, but less than usual and not at all during the day. After returning home, somehow I seemed to forget to use them as much during work and when falling asleep. Feel pretty good overall, but I think there's been some stagnation due to lack of time listening.
PERCEPTION: it seems like the ocean surf works better than the silent. I'm not sure if true, but when I sleep to ocean surf, it seems I wake up with serious dream progress and a positive attitude in the morning or just a sense that I worked through some stuff. During the day with silent sub, at most I feel "fried" if I play it too long and that is all.
NOTE: one reason I played the subs less this week is because my wife has been around a lot more and I don't want to expose her to the subs.
Week 3:
I have not been listening much at all during week 2, so as I ease into Week 3 this Sunday morning at 6:30am I have only been listening to the ocean surf for a half hour so far and notice my mood is definitely uplifted for no apparent reason. I woke up at 4 disappointed that I forgot to turn on the subliminals again before falling asleep. I watched Youtube videos about my career goals for the past 2 hours and if anything this gave me a little anxiety. But, after a half hour listening to ocean surf subliminal and reading through this forum a bit, I feel happy and ready to start the day...too bad I really should get back to sleep and listen to this subliminal for about 7 more hours.
NOTE: subliminals may be giving me insomnia. It's kind of hard to fall asleep to the ocean surf, which is why I suppose I've been happy to just drift off when I get the chance. The past couple days, I noticed I was probably going to fall asleep and rather than make any effort to grab the laptop and turn on the subliminals, I thought, "good, I'm tired" and made a conscious decision to just let myself fall asleep if possible. But, then when I wake up I'm disappointed I "forgot" to turn on the subliminals.
I can not sleep more than 5-6 hours a night, so I have not been able to do 8 hours per night.
I do the silent version while working to try to make up for it.
Week 1:
The first week, I was definitely getting a good 8-12 hours worth of subliminal time in per 24 hour period and was feeling pretty good.
CON: I noticed leaving the silent subliminal on too many hours while working made me feel fried (really tired in the brain), so I quickly learned to turn it off after about 4 hours.
FIX: I found 2 hours in the morning before lunch and a couple hours after lunch works find.
Week 2:
Memorial weekend messed up my flow since we went away for 3 days. I listened to subliminals a little bit for 2 nights, but less than usual and not at all during the day. After returning home, somehow I seemed to forget to use them as much during work and when falling asleep. Feel pretty good overall, but I think there's been some stagnation due to lack of time listening.
PERCEPTION: it seems like the ocean surf works better than the silent. I'm not sure if true, but when I sleep to ocean surf, it seems I wake up with serious dream progress and a positive attitude in the morning or just a sense that I worked through some stuff. During the day with silent sub, at most I feel "fried" if I play it too long and that is all.
NOTE: one reason I played the subs less this week is because my wife has been around a lot more and I don't want to expose her to the subs.
Week 3:
I have not been listening much at all during week 2, so as I ease into Week 3 this Sunday morning at 6:30am I have only been listening to the ocean surf for a half hour so far and notice my mood is definitely uplifted for no apparent reason. I woke up at 4 disappointed that I forgot to turn on the subliminals again before falling asleep. I watched Youtube videos about my career goals for the past 2 hours and if anything this gave me a little anxiety. But, after a half hour listening to ocean surf subliminal and reading through this forum a bit, I feel happy and ready to start the day...too bad I really should get back to sleep and listen to this subliminal for about 7 more hours.

NOTE: subliminals may be giving me insomnia. It's kind of hard to fall asleep to the ocean surf, which is why I suppose I've been happy to just drift off when I get the chance. The past couple days, I noticed I was probably going to fall asleep and rather than make any effort to grab the laptop and turn on the subliminals, I thought, "good, I'm tired" and made a conscious decision to just let myself fall asleep if possible. But, then when I wake up I'm disappointed I "forgot" to turn on the subliminals.
A what-do-I-do-now book.™