02-13-2019, 03:09 PM
Question(s) about lucid dreaming and subs (I´m not sure where to post it so I put it here).
Is that considered mind programming in a sense that it might conflict with or lessen the effects of subs? Sometimes it gets tricky to estimate if certain skills development can get in a way of subs. If I want to have more control of my dreams will it prevent my subconscious mind to fully process what it needs to process regarding to subliminals while I sleep, or can my subc "multitask" so to speak at sleep so that I get both done?
How about remote viewing? In order to do that I need to go into state of trance/hypnosis, but it will be self hypnosis. In this case,an relaxed/altered state where the aim is to be receptive to information that the non-local awareness is telling to my conscious mind. If my memory serves me, Shannon, you have said that even self hypnosis (in general) conflicts the subs, but I do remember one particular instance where I told about my insane nightmares back when I was doing MLS where you told that my subc was telling me that the instructions were "alien" to it, and I responded that I would do certain self hypnosis (NLP based parts integration process, but using hypnosis) and you liked the reply. So I concluded that it was ok to do self hypnosis for that instance. If it was ok there, but not in general...where is the line? Lucid dream development ok? Remote viewing ok?
Is that considered mind programming in a sense that it might conflict with or lessen the effects of subs? Sometimes it gets tricky to estimate if certain skills development can get in a way of subs. If I want to have more control of my dreams will it prevent my subconscious mind to fully process what it needs to process regarding to subliminals while I sleep, or can my subc "multitask" so to speak at sleep so that I get both done?
How about remote viewing? In order to do that I need to go into state of trance/hypnosis, but it will be self hypnosis. In this case,an relaxed/altered state where the aim is to be receptive to information that the non-local awareness is telling to my conscious mind. If my memory serves me, Shannon, you have said that even self hypnosis (in general) conflicts the subs, but I do remember one particular instance where I told about my insane nightmares back when I was doing MLS where you told that my subc was telling me that the instructions were "alien" to it, and I responded that I would do certain self hypnosis (NLP based parts integration process, but using hypnosis) and you liked the reply. So I concluded that it was ok to do self hypnosis for that instance. If it was ok there, but not in general...where is the line? Lucid dream development ok? Remote viewing ok?