02-09-2019, 07:54 PM
Just came home from a night out. I was out maybe a month ago, almost the same kind of night, but today things feels 100 times better. Things are still off. It doesn't feel like it should. I doesn't feel like I should. But it's better, and that's the only thing that count at the moment. I have had heck of a journey to get back and I am actually just glad to be alive and to have made it this far. And by have made it this far, I know I will make it all the way back, and further more. I will get happy, content, confident. That is my primary goal. I don't even engage in hitting on girls if I don't feel like it, I go out dancing for ME and doing what _I_ feel that I need, that is my only priority. Seriously. I hang out with friends and so on, but I don't feel any internal pressure to how I "should" behave. I just do whatever I need to do, and at this moment is just going out dancing the heck out of my own ass and it feels good. I am alright with where I am and I know I will get to where I am aiming. Emotional health and my own happiness is my full f*cking priority.