02-05-2019, 09:05 AM
(02-04-2019, 11:21 PM)ianaav Wrote: Hey guys, I'm probably on month 2 of USLM. I felt an elated feeling in the beginning but then it subsided. I have been listening to the silent track at night and decided to change to the ocean one. Today, I feel like a wreck, so tired, low energy and brain fog.
Does it mean its working better? Should I continue with the ocean track, or stick to the silent one. I'm worried how I can work like this!
MY initial response is NO the draining of your energy doesnt last,but ya have to keep going. give a few days....why the switch anyway?
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"