11-26-2018, 11:56 AM
I found out some new stuff today about that Shannon when i went back to doctor today, pissed me off too
Well i told my doctor what i Had the feeling of elephant on chest, pain in left arm, lightheadedness, headache,, shortness of breath he sent me off got a ecg done the lady then sent me directly to emergency they monitored me for a while did blood work and ran another ecg which came out fine and so did blood work kept me a little while longer to monitor me see if anything changed, well went back to doctor today as they sent the first ecg to a cardiologist turns out the lady who did my first ecg didn't read the damn thing correctly and completely screwed up telling me there was something wrong.
I starting talking with my doctor on what it could be talked about alot of stuff, until i said that i keep getting this tightness in my chest whenever im around my mother which is everyday as i live with her and that she is constantly angry at everything, one little thing and she will fly off the handle especially while driving as soon as he heard that he said i have an anxiety disorder and that if its bad it can have heart attack symptoms so i got all that cleared up just have to start taking pills for it.
But yeah lady at laboratory read the ecg wrong and told me to go straight to emergency so was very worried and freaking out
Well i told my doctor what i Had the feeling of elephant on chest, pain in left arm, lightheadedness, headache,, shortness of breath he sent me off got a ecg done the lady then sent me directly to emergency they monitored me for a while did blood work and ran another ecg which came out fine and so did blood work kept me a little while longer to monitor me see if anything changed, well went back to doctor today as they sent the first ecg to a cardiologist turns out the lady who did my first ecg didn't read the damn thing correctly and completely screwed up telling me there was something wrong.
I starting talking with my doctor on what it could be talked about alot of stuff, until i said that i keep getting this tightness in my chest whenever im around my mother which is everyday as i live with her and that she is constantly angry at everything, one little thing and she will fly off the handle especially while driving as soon as he heard that he said i have an anxiety disorder and that if its bad it can have heart attack symptoms so i got all that cleared up just have to start taking pills for it.
But yeah lady at laboratory read the ecg wrong and told me to go straight to emergency so was very worried and freaking out