(10-26-2018, 09:44 AM)Fluffy Wrote:(10-26-2018, 07:56 AM)cataleya Wrote:(10-26-2018, 07:31 AM)Fluffy Wrote:(10-26-2018, 06:53 AM)cataleya Wrote: I never had any issues inducing lucid dreams for myself... Checking reality on a daily basis doesn`t work for you guys?
It would be very beneficial to have a subliminal directly focusing your subconscious on achieving 100% lucidity, 100% Stabilisation and Maximising duration of that lucidity for how ever long we so desire.
100% Lucidity is more real than awake real.
It would be even better if the subliminal was a combination of Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection, as then you can just roll out of your body as you are going to sleep instead of having to be in a dream before you become aware.
Awareness of the state that allows OBE/Lucid Dreaming... be it as you are going to sleep or whilst you are in a dream, or whilst waking up, would be best of all worlds that would allow for maximum success rate.
How long do your Lucid Dreams last for @cataleya? And are we talking 100% Lucidity, where it is more real than awake real? Also what do you usually do/have done?
Agree, a sub on OBE would be awesome. I don`t know how long my lucid dreams last for. It`s hard to give an estimate, but they certainly don`t last all night. It`s 100% lucid dreams though - knowing that I`m in my own dream. I usually fly or some cool stuff like that. Sometimes sex related. Sometimes I talk to someone like a celebrity. There are no limits really. When I`m not trying I have let`s say... two lucid dreams per month. Purely spontaneously. I don`t know if that`s good or bad.
Well it is good, of course. There is lots of people out there that do not even know what a Lucid Dream/OBE is let alone experienced one!
@cataleya Can you imagine what fun and how much personal growth could be had if you became 100% Lucid every night and it lasting for however long you so desire?
Imagine just 60 mins (of perceived length of time, as time does not exist in dreams/non physical) to do whatever you can imagine, with ultra realistic senses every night?
This is why it would be very beneficial if Shannon, puts his expertise, R&D and focus into creating the BEST; most EFFECTIVE life changing; Lucid Dreaming/Out of Body Experience subliminal ever existed on planet earth!
All the bells and whistles, all his blood, tears and guts. Fully research and incorporate everything to do with Lucid Dreaming, OBE (Astral Projection) and this will be a masterpiece!
Ok Fluffy, you have convinced me