(10-21-2018, 08:28 AM)DarkTempatation Wrote: This is for @Shannon and I believe this is quite important. I've noticed using E2. Using Universal detox, USLM 1. & Now USLM 2. I get GUT issues.
GUT issues including, Stomach acidity, Burning, bloating, feeling sick, heaviness Which is very Badmy bottom left stomach as well bottom right stomach. Yes I have been doctors many times got scans done all they recommend is stupid acid blockers which makes it worse. I also use oil on my stomach herbal cures which helps
I'm not blaming the subliminal but I've noticed I get it alot. So then I run MHS 5.5G instantly and within a week I am cured. I avoid takeaways I don't eat eggs. & I am quite cautious what I eat. I have been running USLM 2 for about 1 week. Only 1 Loop to test this and today I've got the issue again. It's been an USLM and MHS cycle for me which is anonying as i just want to focus on USLM 2.
Any suggestions/opinions Shannon please thanks.
I have read that when your solar plexus chakra is stimulated and start to open up you can experience gut problems.