10-17-2018, 06:38 AM
Hi Shannon, just wondering about mhs, when you release it in 6g do you think it would be strong enough to repair damaged hearing to the point people may not need hearing aids.
Ive been off dmsi for 2 months now, and i understand many things have come up in that time, if i was to use some hypnosis products while waiting for 3.3 to be released how much of a break do i need before moving onto 3.3 once its released, and do we have more than 35 days still away while frm is being tested to improve on before 3.3?
Ive been off dmsi for 2 months now, and i understand many things have come up in that time, if i was to use some hypnosis products while waiting for 3.3 to be released how much of a break do i need before moving onto 3.3 once its released, and do we have more than 35 days still away while frm is being tested to improve on before 3.3?