10-15-2018, 08:56 AM
(10-14-2018, 03:06 PM)AbundanceCH Wrote: Shannon, I ask the following because it's one of my own issues and it seems to be one that many in this forum suffer from which is a major contributing factor to their lack of success in life or with women.
When it comes to a controlling/overprotective mother who uses guilt to control you...what's the best way to deal with them?
We can't just let go of our own mothers like we can do with toxic friends and people. So the only other choice is to just change ourselves so they finally end up respecting us based on the new vibration we put out. We change and the world around us changes mentality.
But what if we haven't been able to achieve the success or whatever necessary for them to change their attitude towards us? I remember reading your story which you mentioned how your family didn't respect you until you finally achieved success.
It just seems like a cruel test life has placed on a lot of us in order to force us to change. I wish I could just be myself and be accepted and respected..
After reading this post, I had to research a bit about overprotective parents and found this article online.
I can relate myself to the traits almost 100%. Take a look at some of the traits that the children of overprotective parents tend to develop:
-Dependent on Teachers
-Labeled a Difficult Student
-Lacking in Maturity
-Sense of Entitlement
-Easy Target for Bullies
-Labeled Misfits
-Academically Ahead, Socially Behind
-Lacking in Knowledge of Age-Appropriate Life Situations
-Outcasts and Pariahs
-Dependent and Risk-Adverse
-Socially Unrelatable
-Likely to Become Unhinged
-Incapable of Living Independently
-Unable to Make Decisions
I can check every single one of the above points.
After starting to use IML sub a year ago, my paradigm shifted. Specially DMSI entirely changed the route that I was taking in my life. I'm still obsessed with my past and my parents' teachings that made me have those traits. This past weekend was a tough one for me since I was totally immersed in the thought of why I'm not good with my money. I've had this job for 14 months and I'm getting paid well but still haven't been able to pay off my debts. I'm not aware about spending money and buy random things, go on travels, and eat out a lot. And every once in a while something bad happens randomly and I lose a hectic amount each time. Like this Saturday, a deer hit my car when I was driving on the highway and it will cost me about $1500 to repair my car. As a kid, I was never showed the way of making my own decisions and handling my own problems without my parents advice (more like orders). I was told that money is evil and we shouldn't make it our priority. Since my parents were kind of well off, so I had the entitlement of spending their money as my own ("sense of entitlement" point checked). So, this money issue stems from my early childhood.
At this point, I'm not sure if IML subs are helping me or not. I've given DMSI 9 months (a month break after as well) and I've been on MLS for the month and a half. The only thing I have gone through is having these deeply rooted issues come to the surface and making me anxious, fearful, loathing, sometimes depressed about my own life.
I think I need to see a therapist because I've been in a severe melancholy lately.