10-13-2018, 09:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-13-2018, 09:40 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
Shannon wanted to give some brief feedback on the progress and unfoldings with USLM2.
First Up:its kicking some serious ass here man
2ndly- I feel right now IM caught between What is & What is not... IM slightly irritated,annoyed,bothered,slightly bewildered and a little confused. ALL this to me are signs for a great shift,a shfting towards something better and greater. so Im NOT completely pissed off & bothered,kind of thing,and even if I were I am energically,emotionally and mentally aware enough to know that this IS indeed what is really going onA Major shift and change. I actually am more at ease,watching,observing this all happen,as I 'move along'
Over all in the last 2 days IM cooler,calmer and much more collected.observing,while participating in Life in a deeper way. In short Less Fear,More Living,learning,and definitely growing!! some how saying thanks for all the hard work and intensity you put into this program, for even creating this program and da free upgrade ta boot,doesnt seem quite enough,but its all I can give here Man, THANK YOU KINDLY,sincerely and with no bullsh*t! Keith. this Mofo's a life changer/game changer man, 2 days and THIS is already happening!? This good stuff is not playing around! wow!! 1:37 am 10/14/18
First Up:its kicking some serious ass here man
2ndly- I feel right now IM caught between What is & What is not... IM slightly irritated,annoyed,bothered,slightly bewildered and a little confused. ALL this to me are signs for a great shift,a shfting towards something better and greater. so Im NOT completely pissed off & bothered,kind of thing,and even if I were I am energically,emotionally and mentally aware enough to know that this IS indeed what is really going onA Major shift and change. I actually am more at ease,watching,observing this all happen,as I 'move along'
Over all in the last 2 days IM cooler,calmer and much more collected.observing,while participating in Life in a deeper way. In short Less Fear,More Living,learning,and definitely growing!! some how saying thanks for all the hard work and intensity you put into this program, for even creating this program and da free upgrade ta boot,doesnt seem quite enough,but its all I can give here Man, THANK YOU KINDLY,sincerely and with no bullsh*t! Keith. this Mofo's a life changer/game changer man, 2 days and THIS is already happening!? This good stuff is not playing around! wow!! 1:37 am 10/14/18
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"