08-29-2018, 09:06 AM
Breakday today.
Im feeling incred8ble blissed out atm. I recognize how my conversations with women are great. Its as if my aura takes their shittests away, and if they do, its just the shittest reaction towards my frame and their perception of me. Nothing personal which makes it all more and more fun, cuz it all is framed from a light and fun perspective. Kinda addictive.
My skin looks flawless. Im radiating heat. At first I thought it was a tan, but its like the aura radiates in my face. Also my cheekbones are very pronounced. Flawless. My eyes are beautiful.
My movements are slow, and if they are fast its like a dance. Deliberate, almost fluid and art-like. Life is even deeper now for me and all intent to experience is splitsecond manifesting. Along with rule4 stuff, it amplifies the manifestation even harder, but, yanno, shitton of rule4 programming
I want depth, I experience it.
I want more distance? Directly manifests. Manifestation follows intent.
I got women smiling, turning head, good times by my presence wherever I go and am feeling very sexy.
All I do is sexy as f#ck.
M has, as far as I know, broken off contact. She was dtf, 17 tho, and, perhaps due my listening to a friend, I sabotaged it in an way. ( the whole risky of 17 y/o with me 29 y/o while its legal in this country
it was mainly a re-occuring setting in my head that made it confusing and irking, prolly societal based programming and setting in my head through an image) It makes me think about how easy it is to sow the seeds in womens mind, mindfucking them really till the point of whole scenarios planted in their heads. Sexual, romantic, whatever fantasy. It was clear in her case. Marriage, children, sex, hubby shit, after speaking only a few days max, and just an hour or 2 the initial day.
Like I said, dtf, nice rack and pussy. But also very obsessed and raving to get me in bf lockdown. Very submissive, and yet, due my own confusion as to how to deal with it, slightly pussied out. I need more experience. Thinking back at it, it all went very smooth, automatic.
After the camsession, I realized, how quick it was just not a big deal. Sex = sex. That was what it came down to.
Im feeling incred8ble blissed out atm. I recognize how my conversations with women are great. Its as if my aura takes their shittests away, and if they do, its just the shittest reaction towards my frame and their perception of me. Nothing personal which makes it all more and more fun, cuz it all is framed from a light and fun perspective. Kinda addictive.
My skin looks flawless. Im radiating heat. At first I thought it was a tan, but its like the aura radiates in my face. Also my cheekbones are very pronounced. Flawless. My eyes are beautiful.
My movements are slow, and if they are fast its like a dance. Deliberate, almost fluid and art-like. Life is even deeper now for me and all intent to experience is splitsecond manifesting. Along with rule4 stuff, it amplifies the manifestation even harder, but, yanno, shitton of rule4 programming

I want depth, I experience it.
I want more distance? Directly manifests. Manifestation follows intent.
I got women smiling, turning head, good times by my presence wherever I go and am feeling very sexy.
All I do is sexy as f#ck.
M has, as far as I know, broken off contact. She was dtf, 17 tho, and, perhaps due my listening to a friend, I sabotaged it in an way. ( the whole risky of 17 y/o with me 29 y/o while its legal in this country

Like I said, dtf, nice rack and pussy. But also very obsessed and raving to get me in bf lockdown. Very submissive, and yet, due my own confusion as to how to deal with it, slightly pussied out. I need more experience. Thinking back at it, it all went very smooth, automatic.
After the camsession, I realized, how quick it was just not a big deal. Sex = sex. That was what it came down to.
The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. - epictetus