08-23-2018, 04:35 PM
You know I told myself to stick with B, which I'm going to do. But I'd love to know how my subconscious manages to keep me stuck whenever I use A. Without fail every time I've used it, it's like I end up hyperfocusing on internal trauma or emotional damage. Which would be fine if I move past it, but it seems like I actually generate more of it by focusing on it too much. Small issues explode into ridiculously over dramatic things.
Right now I'm trying to sort of calibrate where I left off with B. I was making some good progress until I bailed for A. The best way I can explain how I think B works for me. Let's say all the emotional issues and insecurities are like a huge boulder in the middle of a path. A chips away at that boulder until it's gone, B just finds a path around it. Now I don't know if that's how A is supposed to work or if I'm just supposed to disconnect from the stuff. But B is like having the awareness to choose not to respond to all those things that might trigger those insecurities or emotional issues. It's all about cutting the ties to these past negative scripts because it's my insistence on indulging in them that causes the misery.
Right now I'm trying to sort of calibrate where I left off with B. I was making some good progress until I bailed for A. The best way I can explain how I think B works for me. Let's say all the emotional issues and insecurities are like a huge boulder in the middle of a path. A chips away at that boulder until it's gone, B just finds a path around it. Now I don't know if that's how A is supposed to work or if I'm just supposed to disconnect from the stuff. But B is like having the awareness to choose not to respond to all those things that might trigger those insecurities or emotional issues. It's all about cutting the ties to these past negative scripts because it's my insistence on indulging in them that causes the misery.