08-12-2018, 07:45 PM
(08-12-2018, 09:06 AM)JakeKennedy Wrote: The luck aspect of USLM intrigues me very much. I wanted to create this thread to discuss and share examples of such.
I've been running USLM for a week now and after playing golf with my brother he commented he has never seen me be so consistently lucky over the course of 18 holes. He has no clue I am running the sub or that it even exists. Nothing crazy happened but it just seemed as if every little bounce went my way. Even when I had a bad shot it turned out at least okay.
My real question is how far can this sub magnify luck? I've experienced little things like better breaks in golf and have received several small things free. All under $10. But could this sub magnify luck to the point you win a major lottery or receive a large inheritance you didn't know you had coming?
How far? My personal answer would be unlimited possibilities, why? Luck win over everything..who could beat luck anyway?