08-05-2018, 06:35 AM
Weird ass dream. I was in a room and suddenly people were saying the room was filling with water and we all needed to get breathing gear on. I was like, nah I'll just breathe underwater. So the water filled the room and I was breathing fine, which in hindsight probably should have triggered a lucid dream but really didn't. Anyway the next thing I know there's a big shark coming, great white savage looking thing. I've faced scary things in dreams before, but the level of detail on this thing was unreal. I was scared, but when the thing swam up to face me I screamed at it lol. I maintained this feeling of being stronger than it and having no fear. At first it didn't budge and reared back ready to attack, but it turned out to be a bluff then swam away. Now here's where it gets really weird. The shark transforms into this really bratty woman and I'm like good riddance get the hell out of here. And that was it. Super weird.