07-16-2018, 08:20 AM
(07-15-2018, 08:02 PM)Shannon Wrote:(07-15-2018, 12:04 PM)Williamx25 Wrote:(07-15-2018, 07:50 AM)Shannon Wrote:(07-11-2018, 02:14 PM)Williamx25 Wrote:(07-09-2018, 12:03 PM)Shannon Wrote: I can't say for sure what they will do for you. I know that we are steadily increasing how well the programs work on resistant behavior. But if and when any particular person will start executing significantly, I cannot know.
How do I consciously know what the instructions are? Or is it something that I will execute subconsciously?
You don't consciously know what the instructions are. They will be executed entirely at the subconscious level.
Quote:What do you exactly mean with those instructions? Adjusting body language/ voice tone / eye contact ? Becoming a more attractive man through body language? Or is it the programming that goes right into my subconscious mind?
I'm not sure what instructions you are referring to. The script? The program instructions? Something I mentioned?
Quote:If approaching girls isn’t executing the instructions, or talking to them, what is it then? Just curious
DMSI is designed to make you so sexually attractive that you don't have to approach. It doesn't stop you, but why would it be executing the instructions to approach if the goal is to simply be so attractive that that is not necessary in the first place?
Executing the instructions is just that. Those instructions are not public, so you won't know consciously what they are. When you start executing them, however, you should see a drastic change, like Thor did.
What you describe sounds like stonewalling.
I was referring to the instructions that DMSI gives you. I saw you mention that in a few posts. And of course, everything is subconsciously programmed so I can't know/hear them consciously.
I was trying to figure out what the instructions are, but now I understand it. I just have to wait and see how the women flock on to me and escalate sexually with me. I think my resistancev is also partly the fact that I was stressing about ''approaching''. Like when I was out in public or at the gym I got eye contact and I was like: SHIT, I HAVE TO APPROACH, DO SOMETHING? And then I got really confused about everything.. So DMSI is just basically wait until they talk to you and then you can arrange a date and escalate sexually?
I still pussy out when a girl stares in my direction/ have eye contact with a girl
I got male pattern baldness and a very young age (15). So i'm already 10 years bald and I hate it. And my fat body doesn't help aswell lol. THat's my major resistance. I am disgusted by my looks. But i'm working hard in the gym trying to gain muscles and lower in bodyfat.
So you are having a conflict between the goals of DMSI and your self image. I see we will need a self image adjustment module upgrade in 3.3.
Quote:I was walking around with all the PUA stuff in my head, I'm trying to get rid of it, I mean the mindset that a man must hunt etc... I just need women to come to me and then I will sexually escalate.
Once again, DMSI does not stop you from using PUA. It is not required that you do. But, when she must hunt you, it tells her that you have enough options that you don't need to hunt, and your value is percieved to be very high as a result. Men with an abundance of women don't hunt, they select from the offerings. But until you start having women react to the program enough to spark off the social proof that will result when you do, making your interests known isn't necessarily a bad thing. You just want to do it in a way that does not suggest you are of less value than DMSI is telling them you are. As in, don't go sarging the whole damned room. Pick one woman, the most attractive one, and let her and her alone know you are interested, but do it in a way that shows you don't need her, but you do want her. No desperation.
Quote:What do you mean with stonewalling? Like hard resistance?
Refusing to execute.
Quote:I'm going to increase my loops to 8 hours, i'm going to get those sleepheadphones, I need to crush and push through this resistance at all costs. Even if I have to listen 10 hours a day. So be it....
I think you have will have to work on this forever. Everything needs to get upgraded to 10G or something. Maybe 50G. Or make a script that will equal 1 hour of listening to 1000 hours of listening lol.
I am not going to work on this forever, regardless of what the last version does. I am going to push it as far as I can, and then stop. It's been 5 years now working to just upgrade 5G to 6G, and most of the progress is not visible to you guys because I haven't taken it out of Beast yet. There will be a HUGE jump when I do. And we are not far off at all from when I finish developing beast.
6G is the end of the line for the foreseeable future, but just FYI: 1 hour of 5.5G current already is about 1000 hours of listening compared to a 3 or 4G. What we need isn't more hours, it's the rest of the modules that get us past the resistance. Beast 16 is doing a really good job of that so far; not perfect, but good enough that testing it requires a lot of care.
DMSI 3.3 will be a large improvement over 3.2, just as 3.2 was over 3.1, and 3.1 was over 3.01. But it is likely to be either 3.4 or 4.0 where the biggest jump in power occurs. I'm only going to be mining Beast for the technology after it achieves design spec. We are getting close. Did a test yesterday that really surprised me, and formal testing is coming up shortly as well.
Thank you for extensive reply. That clear up alot of things for me.

So 6G is the end line for the foreseeable future, that means all of your products will end at 6G? What's left is tweaking the modules in order to get 99% past the resistance am I right? That sounds awesome, you are really doing an outstanding job Shannon. I appreciate your work!
For us beta testers of DMSI 3.2, will we get all of our upgrades for free or do you have to charge an x amount for the either 3.4 / 4.0 version? The latest version that will come out for DMSI?
Also will you use Beast 16 or 17 for the development of the last definite version of our DMSI? I can imagine that will drive up the costs of course.
I can't wait until it all comes out! I'm definitely saving up! If I want to run 3 different products: DMSI, AM, MLS, with each 35 days of rest in between. Will the other programs stay permanent in my subconscious? So when i'm running maximum learning speed I also get all the benefits from Alpha Male and DMSI ?