07-10-2018, 10:09 PM
Alpha Male V6.
-Wharrgarbl said this here
Quote:...It also feels like stage 2 has given me more permission to be me. Poorly worded, but that is how I feel now. A few days ago I felt this huge internal weight lift off of me that I didn't even know I had on me in the first place. When I felt it lift it was surprising and refreshing all at the same time.
During stage 2 a seemingly unrelated, but probably not, phenomenon also happened. I have much more control of the part of myself where my beliefs come from. For the longest time that part of me seemed out of reach and out of control, making long term change and breaking of any habits long and difficult or seem just flat out impossible. Now I feel like I have control of that part of me. It also seems like my emotional and subconscious part of me is now more cooperative. Before this it seemed like my subconscious and emotions were rebelling against a "parent", which was logic and seeing the best path by said logic. Now there is more dialogue between the parts of myself. I also have more understanding for the illogical parts of myself and have embraced the mystery of the duality of logic/illogic operating at the same time and how that plays out internally. Funny, it seems like the part of me that was rebelling was probably due to the feeling of not being in control of myself, a feeling that has dissipated during stage 2.
Confidence is up and a few days ago my posture, style of walking, and body language had a dramatic, but seemingly natural shift. I walk with my shoulders up but not tense now.
Last but not least, I feel like I was born to become an alpha male. AM6 just released my self imposed limitations.
-Wharrgarbl said this here