Day 14. Well the double down worked. I ended up playing five loops in my sleep. No vivid dreams to recall. My subconscious is still trying to resist as I had a thought this morning of another past failure In life in which things did not go as planned. The issue at hand was career related in which the position that I applied for within the company did not come to fruition. The difference this time was that thoughts of different options came popping into my head. Thoughts like, “Mischief, you have the skill set and knowledge you can thrive elsewhere.” I’m telling my subconscious that I don’t want to go that route and we’re going to go this route.
My subconscious is trying to resist and presenting the option as another way of giving up. We’re not going to do that. I see progress is being made and if there is progress, there is a reason to keep going and not give up! I recalled a past success in attaining the car that I wanted. At the time I was working in a good paying job but still it wasn’t enough to purchase that car right away. One day I made the statement, “Hey universe, I really would like a Corvette. Work your magic!”
Well three years after I made that statement and two jobs later, I was able to purchase the Corvette I wanted. Not just any Corvette I could buy from any car lot, the one I wanted down to color and options. What I’m getting at is everything is a process and we have to trust the process. Our subconscious will resist and try to convince us to give up because it would be easier to retreat to a safe harbor....don’t. If you want change you have to change your thinking both consciously and subconsciously. Only people who are self aware or have good past life experiences will pick up on this and adjust accordingly.
My subconscious is being a little sly devil in trying to distract me with options that don’t fully meet the goal. I just need to coach it up to work with me and DMSI’s end goal. Subconscious I appreciate your concern, but we’re going to work through this to make us better.
As for today’s interactive effects. Not big to report so far but it is mid morning as I am typing this. I have been impatient this morning as I went to three different Starbucks before finding one that had open tables and baristas who weren’t wasting time chit chatting with customers while there is a long line of people waiting to be served. I’m working from home today but have some errands to run so we’ll see if anything new happens.
My subconscious is trying to resist and presenting the option as another way of giving up. We’re not going to do that. I see progress is being made and if there is progress, there is a reason to keep going and not give up! I recalled a past success in attaining the car that I wanted. At the time I was working in a good paying job but still it wasn’t enough to purchase that car right away. One day I made the statement, “Hey universe, I really would like a Corvette. Work your magic!”
Well three years after I made that statement and two jobs later, I was able to purchase the Corvette I wanted. Not just any Corvette I could buy from any car lot, the one I wanted down to color and options. What I’m getting at is everything is a process and we have to trust the process. Our subconscious will resist and try to convince us to give up because it would be easier to retreat to a safe harbor....don’t. If you want change you have to change your thinking both consciously and subconsciously. Only people who are self aware or have good past life experiences will pick up on this and adjust accordingly.
My subconscious is being a little sly devil in trying to distract me with options that don’t fully meet the goal. I just need to coach it up to work with me and DMSI’s end goal. Subconscious I appreciate your concern, but we’re going to work through this to make us better.
As for today’s interactive effects. Not big to report so far but it is mid morning as I am typing this. I have been impatient this morning as I went to three different Starbucks before finding one that had open tables and baristas who weren’t wasting time chit chatting with customers while there is a long line of people waiting to be served. I’m working from home today but have some errands to run so we’ll see if anything new happens.