05-05-2018, 05:54 AM
I want to take a second to talk about feelings. So often if something doesn't feel right I automatically assume it's somehow "wrong". This is really dangerous. Especially when it comes to executing this sub. And I have no doubt that this sort of compass or guidance system has been hijacked to get me to avoid execution. So at times like this it's important not to go with feeling and to have my conscious mind step in and really think about what I'm doing and what kind of results I'm getting.
I felt that I needed to heal more and go inward, but I was just procrastinating. I felt that simply releasing emotions, without going through pain or struggle is impossible. I felt that listening to these feelings would guide me towards success. If the subconscious primarily deals in the language of emotion, it makes sense that I should probably be extra aware of what's being brought up in my own mind and not take everything I feel at face value. This is hard as I've based my survival on following my feelings. It pretty much feels like warning lights are going off and I'm ignoring them and heading straight towards danger. Don't do this, this is a bad idea, that's what it sounds like.
I felt that I needed to heal more and go inward, but I was just procrastinating. I felt that simply releasing emotions, without going through pain or struggle is impossible. I felt that listening to these feelings would guide me towards success. If the subconscious primarily deals in the language of emotion, it makes sense that I should probably be extra aware of what's being brought up in my own mind and not take everything I feel at face value. This is hard as I've based my survival on following my feelings. It pretty much feels like warning lights are going off and I'm ignoring them and heading straight towards danger. Don't do this, this is a bad idea, that's what it sounds like.