Quote:I think to get more conscious and get more control over your subconscious mind one way to do that is to do meditation. As you remove the mindless chatter in your mind you get more control over your body and you are less prone to get lost in mindless thought that removes you from conscious decisionI've been meditating since 3 years now. I do it at a daily basis on and off. Sometimes I go on streaks and streaks when I get disciplined enough. Well I don't know about getting more control over the subconscious mind but all I know is that when I meditate thoroughly at a daily basis I manifest all sort of stuff that have been on my mind. It happens a lot that I think about events that'll happen very soon. Like the last time it happened I was thinking of printing a picture on my shirt and a day after a friend texted me his newly printed t-shirt and asked me what I think. That happens a lot for small thoughts that pop in my mind.
Not sure about the control thing but something's odd with it. For me at least.
Quote:what's your opinion on that, do you think meditation would help subliminal work better?Science says meditation increases neuroplasticity. So theoretically that helps ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
(Sources easy to find on google)
Quote:@Then do you think it makes sense to say "Just choose to execute the script and it'll work period" since the one who can only make the decision to execute or not is subconscious mind and not the user, from his own very will ??DarkPloufI have personally observed while doing hypnosis on others that the subconscious does indeed take decision
That was my point actually. If we agree that the subconscious can make decision regardless of the user will then there is no room for that silly reasoning.
As I said:
Quote:If the subconscious CAN decide and act regardless of the user's will, then that explains resistance. But that also destroy all these "take responsibility" speeches, because the user can't take responsibility for another member of the ship he can't control.
Idk why this board always tends to go on negative extremes. Like if it wasn't dangerous and destructive enough to acknowledge the existence of "resistance", basically the fact that the subconscious WANTS TO FUCK with its owner, now that keeps on blaming the victim.
Talking about personal growth...

Quote:This reminds me of a funny anecdote I read by a professional hypnotherapist who did an experiment with one of his patients. While the patient was in a deep trance, the hypnotist was doing his thing, and then he suddenly gave an instruction that he assumed the patient would wholeheartedly refuse, something along the way of: "Now go and kick my secretary in the balls", to which the patient supposedly responded, still in trance, "How about I kick you in the balls". Big GrinThat's crazy and scary.