01-04-2018, 01:38 PM
Looking forward to it, but at the same time not setting my expectations too high lol. It'll be interesting to see how B manifests in my life compared to A. Gonna be giving it 4-5 days before I really start reporting anything in this journal or if something really significant happens. Now that I'm moving attention away from healing and clearing it feels like most of my observations will be in the realm of real verifiable results vs the often intangible emotional clearing. Though I will say this, I think I've gone far too long with my journey of healing. When I think back to the subliminals that impacted me most it was always the ones pointing me in a certain direction which was mainly AM and self confidence subs. I think, though I'm not certain, it's far easier to overwrite an old habit with a new one vs trying to remove the old habit completely such as with healing and clearing.