10-27-2017, 08:28 PM
(10-27-2017, 12:12 PM)SargeMaximus Wrote:(10-27-2017, 11:50 AM)awesomeDMSI Wrote: While I am not a big fan of Tony Robbins, he does share some truths as well (Affirmations for example) but JC can't admit they work or people would question why he doesn't talk about them.
Tony Robbins also has made it to easy for his competition to trash talk him by supporting a LOT of pseudo-scientific non-sense.
This is news to me... what psuedo-scientific non-sense?
He relies heavily on Pop Psychology a lot of which has been thoroughly debunked. There are to many in this category for me to cover, but if you research some of things he talks about and then look at peer-reviewed studies you will find a whole lot of it is flat out wrong.
His use and preaching of NLP. While portions of NLP have been shown to work in studies, a LOT of NLP has either been completely debunked or doesn't have any unbiased research done on it.
Instead of NLP, he could easily migrate over to something that HAS been scientifically tested and proven to work like CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy).
His preaching of the Law Of Attraction. I am not going to hate on others beliefs, believe what every you want.
The issue isn't spirituality, it's the fact that LOA preachers (TR included) try and act like it's scientific when it's not.
He preaches Power Posing (The faulty/Cherry-Picked research that was done by Amy Cuddy).
And the list goes on.
I have nothing against the guy. I don't like him because I feel his whole following is basically a cult. I have spent hours watching him to hone my own stage craft though and I do commend him for being an amazing speaker and persuader.
But a lot of the stuff he spouts is BS.
If it works for you, great. However, It's most likely a placebo.
His genius was being able to sell said Placebo for $5000 per person.