08-17-2017, 02:34 PM
Doing great man! I'm on that self improvement journey so I haven't been posting on PT much although I do still use mones every now and then - but I use them as known, tried and true tools instead of experimenting.
Yes thats correct: the silent (ultrasonic) versions of any subliminal are MUCH stronger, work faster, are better able to overcome resistance, etc, than their masked ocean surf and trickling stream counterpart which feature masked / spoken version of the same subliminal track. 7 months of not knowing that, damn boi
Give it a spin!
Yes thats correct: the silent (ultrasonic) versions of any subliminal are MUCH stronger, work faster, are better able to overcome resistance, etc, than their masked ocean surf and trickling stream counterpart which feature masked / spoken version of the same subliminal track. 7 months of not knowing that, damn boi