08-17-2017, 08:09 AM
Day 14
I believe my sleep is now getting optimized. Even on nights like last night where I basically got smashed but woke up about 6 hours later, it feels as if there’s some tuning going on to help me reach my peak.
I know that’s against sub guidelines since alcohol can state shift us away from the ideal state – but I’ve been stressed lately and can’t easily shut off my brain to sleep. So I’m not using this sub when everything is jolly and good; I still have the ‘crazy one’ in my life after all.
This started on roughly day 10 and has enhanced since then. 5 – 6 hours of sleep appears to be my optimal range. If I try to sleep beyond that, I just lay in bed wondering when I’m going to get up lol
Memory has also kicked up. I can’t easily measure this because it’s more short term gains spur of the moment that I can remember easier.
Simple example: I can remember grocery lists without having to look at the list on my phone.
So I can recall whole lists of things now without too much effort, even if I didn’t spend much time to memorize them.
There was even a moment where I had to recall both of my parents phone numbers, and my dad’s social for a government document, and I was able to recall everything with only a brief pause. I’m pretty sure most people can’t easily recall their parents’ socials lol
I had a unique biz situation where I paid to be a in a program, but because I am associated with certain people a friend warned me I might get kicked out.
I asked him why, and he said that because I’m Facebook friends with people the biz program owner doesn’t like, he would see that, because he cares about shit like that, and he would likely refund me.
Well, I didn’t want a damned refund, I just wanted into his program. Very curious situation.
But after some creative thinking I found a way to stay in his program but stay under his radar. It’s a little odd that I have to do this, but whatever. I get to be part of what I paid for, and he can keep his weird opinions about who is associated with whom to himself. I’m not in there to stir up trouble.
So it also appears my problem solving has kicked up pretty quickly too.
Previously it might take me days to come up with a solution like that. But in this case it took about 20 minutes of passive thinking. Not bad, really.
I believe my sleep is now getting optimized. Even on nights like last night where I basically got smashed but woke up about 6 hours later, it feels as if there’s some tuning going on to help me reach my peak.
I know that’s against sub guidelines since alcohol can state shift us away from the ideal state – but I’ve been stressed lately and can’t easily shut off my brain to sleep. So I’m not using this sub when everything is jolly and good; I still have the ‘crazy one’ in my life after all.
This started on roughly day 10 and has enhanced since then. 5 – 6 hours of sleep appears to be my optimal range. If I try to sleep beyond that, I just lay in bed wondering when I’m going to get up lol
Memory has also kicked up. I can’t easily measure this because it’s more short term gains spur of the moment that I can remember easier.
Simple example: I can remember grocery lists without having to look at the list on my phone.
So I can recall whole lists of things now without too much effort, even if I didn’t spend much time to memorize them.
There was even a moment where I had to recall both of my parents phone numbers, and my dad’s social for a government document, and I was able to recall everything with only a brief pause. I’m pretty sure most people can’t easily recall their parents’ socials lol
I had a unique biz situation where I paid to be a in a program, but because I am associated with certain people a friend warned me I might get kicked out.
I asked him why, and he said that because I’m Facebook friends with people the biz program owner doesn’t like, he would see that, because he cares about shit like that, and he would likely refund me.
Well, I didn’t want a damned refund, I just wanted into his program. Very curious situation.
But after some creative thinking I found a way to stay in his program but stay under his radar. It’s a little odd that I have to do this, but whatever. I get to be part of what I paid for, and he can keep his weird opinions about who is associated with whom to himself. I’m not in there to stir up trouble.
So it also appears my problem solving has kicked up pretty quickly too.
Previously it might take me days to come up with a solution like that. But in this case it took about 20 minutes of passive thinking. Not bad, really.