Day 13
Technically this happened late on day 12, but I only got to write about it now.
The laser-like concentration is slowly dripping in. I was writing out a small report for a client and I felt my vision tighten, almost as if I was literally tunneling in on the words of the page. I have only experienced this before while I was on mild nootropics (ie. Brainquicken).
I believe this module is also in BASE, and despite 10 months of using that, I just haven’t felt like this in close to 10 years. Like hole-lee fuuuuck…lol
On another note I had another hike today and miraculously created my best time ever. I achieved 27 minutes when my average for months had been around 30 – 31.
Upon reflecting on the hike I have found that my breathing has been somehow optimized so that I no longer feel out of breath at the wrong moments. Several portions of the hike are damn near vertical and that’s when I used to gas out before, losing most if not all my energy. Not anymore, and I can literally push and speed up at any time I want, which is pretty f*cking amazing, all things considered.
I do feel slight glimmers of the genius mind trying to start up, but it’s like small rays of sun shine trying to poke through thick clouds; the clouds really need to be out of the way before the full effect will be realized.
I know I’m still in the healing/ clearing phase but daaamn. I’m kinda falling in love with this sub lol
Technically this happened late on day 12, but I only got to write about it now.
The laser-like concentration is slowly dripping in. I was writing out a small report for a client and I felt my vision tighten, almost as if I was literally tunneling in on the words of the page. I have only experienced this before while I was on mild nootropics (ie. Brainquicken).
I believe this module is also in BASE, and despite 10 months of using that, I just haven’t felt like this in close to 10 years. Like hole-lee fuuuuck…lol
On another note I had another hike today and miraculously created my best time ever. I achieved 27 minutes when my average for months had been around 30 – 31.
Upon reflecting on the hike I have found that my breathing has been somehow optimized so that I no longer feel out of breath at the wrong moments. Several portions of the hike are damn near vertical and that’s when I used to gas out before, losing most if not all my energy. Not anymore, and I can literally push and speed up at any time I want, which is pretty f*cking amazing, all things considered.
I do feel slight glimmers of the genius mind trying to start up, but it’s like small rays of sun shine trying to poke through thick clouds; the clouds really need to be out of the way before the full effect will be realized.
I know I’m still in the healing/ clearing phase but daaamn. I’m kinda falling in love with this sub lol