08-06-2017, 11:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-07-2017, 12:48 AM by JackOfHearts.)
(08-06-2017, 08:12 AM)SargeMaximus Wrote:(08-06-2017, 07:27 AM)Alpha360 Wrote: Be carefull of the hype on pheromones, its far from a magical pills, and there are a lot of drawbacks when used that are rarely told on forum.
I haven't noticed any so far. What kind of drawbacks?
They are hard to see at first, you have to use them constantly and then stop to notice it. The more long term you have used them the easier it is to notice.
Example: I have used Bad wolf for around 6 month, every 3 days or so. At some point after around 1 month I noticed I was getting bad self effect from it, tiredness is an obvious one that you can notice the first day of use. From time to time I would get horrible painful headache that I never had in my entire life, which I never got before using pheromones. After using BW for a long time I started to hate the smell instead of loving it. I noticed my GF at the time and the others girls I was seeing repeatedly started to hate me too. I noticed they wanted to drink too much when they were affected by BW, a lot of nights they ended up completely wasted unable to walk, 2 of them even slept on the street.
It's hard if not impossible to maintain the BW effect, if you see a girl everyday, that's impossible literally, most mones are similar with different degree you can't use them everyday making it impossible to be the same person for a month. Even during that same day your pheromones signature will change dramatically. Pheromones that contain e-none are specifically hard to maintain as they build up. Next day if you use that same dose you won't get the same effect due to the build up on your skin from your previous night.
Switching pheromones signature all the times will most likely make people distrust you as you change all the time.
Dosing some pheromones is very hard and sometimes you end up fucking some night. I wasn't invited to a wedding of a friend because I think I used too much NPA one night. I'm not even talking about the potential pheromones that end up on your cloth.
Pheromones doesn't replicate a natural pheromone signature, they are much more stronger than a natural signature.
Pheromones could potentially cause minor health problems, some of them are "officially" known to cause depression in men. In my opinion a lot of users underestimate the potential for health reduction because they have become biased, they are looking for a magic pill, so they avoid looking at the potential bad effect from it. Short term wise there are some bad effects, long term wise it's hard to say but I wouldn't bet on the "it's completely safe".
Pheromones are very expensive long term. A lot of vendors don't tell about the potential bad effect from it. I send a mail to Garry twice talking about the bad effect that I get from it, mainly saying how I could avoid the tiredness I get from it during the night, I never got a response. Between his official sell page on his website and what users have got there is a huge difference. To me BW doesn't have the effect he is advertising, first you can't use it constantly, it's impossible and it's obvious yet on his page he says use it every day for a month until you get used to the effect. But personally the more I used it the more the effect wasn't as great, the best effect I got from it was when I first used it. So the "you have to become familiar with BW, you have to train yourself" is bulls*** to me, at best you learn what's it's like to be on BW but that won't make you Alpha as the effect disappear.
There are some similar stories about AV from some users I trust that also reports the bad self effect. A rational explanation would be that mones deplete your energy making it less effective the more you use it.
Other pheromones have a similar effect though BW is a more obvious one and same with the other vendors at different degree. In my opinion the old pheromones like NPA have less bad effects on health, it seems they are more properly dosed, the effects seems more natural. I have noticed a lot of users don't report the bad effects because it's not welcomed, most won't like that you report the bad, you aren't going to get a lot of like if you report bad stuff, also unless you are a senior members on those forum your bad reports aren't going to be taken seriously and if you push it like I did you can get a ban. So what happens is that the getting laid report is very welcome with honors and what not, but the bad reports about bad self effect is swept under the carpet more often than not. Though it seems from what I read recently that the situation has gotten better, with more bad reports coming up.
Don't let what I said kill up your mood completely though, there are also some very good stuff from mones from time to time, and that's just my personal opinion, your mileage may vary